Work Order and Asset Management - Navigation Page

 Click here for work order tutorials

(Work Orders & Asset Management (RZ) module required.)

Assets Work Orders Vendor
Add One Add Add
Add Multiple Billing Change Transactions
Change Change Change Vendor
Configure Configure Configure
Copy Assets Copy Delete
Delete Delete Enter Invoice Amount
List Find Find
Replace Assets Monitor List
  Post Charges Pay a Bill or Pay All Bills
  View Unpaid/Uncharged Bills Process Payables


The work order and asset management module is designed to handle all of the functions of the maintenance department and aid in the tracking of work order requests and assets within the property.  The Navigation screen offers Navigation and Options specific for this module.  Follow the links in the table above for details on available functions. 

Overview - Marketing
Click the menu link to access RDP's website and view the marketing information available for RDPWin's Work Orders & Asset Management Module.
Overview - Technical
Click the menu link to access RDPWin's work orders and asset management information available in Help.

Work Flow

All of the following features of the Work Orders & Asset Module can be used together or separately based on the property's preference.  Work orders can stand alone, include asset maintenance and inventory tracking, and include vendor information.  The vendors can be outside vendors, the onsite maintenance department, or both.  Billing for work orders can be based on a vendor invoice or time and materials.
Click to view Add Work Order information.Click to view Details Tab.Click to view Vendor information.Click to view status information.Click to view details about no billing.Click to view information on invoicing.Click to view time and materials information.Click to view information about paying vendor now.Click to view the Charges Tab for billing the owner or res.

Work Orders
The Work Orders & Assets Module can be used to create and maintain work orders as stand-alone jobs that do not require any asset or vendor tracking.  A work order can be added to simply request that a problem should be addressed without regard to inventory or outside vendors.  For example, add a work order to change a light bulb in a room.

Work Orders are attached to the room number regardless of the reservation status.  Work Orders can have a room number assigned as well as a reservation; however, if the reservation changes rooms mid-stay, the work order remains on the room.  When the job to be done should follow the reservation, should a room change occur, the job should be designated as a task.

Standard RDPWin reports can be printed by vendor, status, location, etc. 
The property can also track assets.  Vacation rental properties often inventory items such as furniture, kitchen utensils, and bedding.  Such items can be entered into the system as assets to allow for tracking of maintenance history (how many times a television has been fixed), basic inventory items that need to be replaced (missing silverware or room decor), etc. 

When assets are entered and tied to a room number, replacement items can be billed to the owner, the property, or the appropriate reservation (item damaged during a stay).

Entering a storage space as a room allows for assets on-hand but not in a guest room to be tracked as well.

Reports for assets can be printed by type or by vendor to assist with maintenance tracking on specific items.
Work Order Vendors
Work order vendors are those that perform a service based on a work order and not to be mistaken for activity vendors who sell an activity such as biking, skiing, or show tickets.

When items require maintenance from an outside vendor, the invoice can be paid by the property (cost), billed to the owner, split between the owner and the property, or billed to the appropriate reservation (item damaged during stay) which can then be taken from the security deposit on the room if one was taken.

Since vendors typically invoice for work completed, RDPWin offers the Enter Vendor Invoice Amount Information screen as well as an invoicing section on the work order itself. 
Although like work orders, tasks are more like a To-Do list. 
When the Task checkbox is checked on the work order screen, it becomes a Task such as "deliver roll-away". 

Tasks follow the guest in the event of room moves.  Work Orders follow the room regardless of guest occupancy such as "fix broken window".  Reservations CAN be assigned to a work order for tracking purposes without changing the designation to task.  The only way to change a work order as a task is to check this box.

Task lists can be printed by start date and by status using RDPWin's standard reports.

Save & Close, Save, Reset, and Close

From various work order screens, use the "Save & Close" button to update the work order and close the form.  The Save button files changes and the form remains open.  Close prompts before exiting without saving changed settings (if any were made) and closes the form.


Asset Management
Work Orders

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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