Tutorial - Charge for Work Orders

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Unlike the other tutorials, this one must be completed in the order it is written.  If you begin anywhere other than Logon and Confirmation #1, valuable steps are skipped and the remainder of the tutorial will not make sense.  Be sure to use 04-VRS demo files when completing this tutorial.

Logon and Configuration

Before work order billing can be used, configuration must first be completed and the appropriate work order vendors set up for billing.  All steps below are accessed using the Work Orders and Asset Management main menu unless otherwise specified.

  1. Logon to RDPWin demo files with the Resort drop-down set to VRS
  2. From Work Orders | Configuration, select the Options.
  3. Check the "Prompt to send e-mail" box so RDPWin prompts to send an email to the vendor when assigned to a work order.
  4. From the "Work Order Vendor Statement Report" drop-down, select "Work Order Vendor Statement".
  5. "Save & Close".

Create Vendor with Work Order Billing Information

  1. From Masters | Work Order Vendors, click Add Vendor.
  2. From the Contact Type drop-down, select Vendor.
  3. From the Vendor Type drop-down, select "Carpet Cleaners".
  4. Enter "Matthew's Carpet Service" as Name, and the Address as 555 First Street, Vail, Colorado 81658.
  5. Enter the Hourly Rate as 41.50.
  6. From the "Owner Billing Transaction" drop-down, select "OC - Owner Clean Fee".
  7. From the "Vendor Transaction Code" drop-down, select "06 - Maintenance".
  8. Enter 3 into the "Invoice Mark-up" field.
  9. Click "Add Phone Number" on the Phone Numbers tab, select Business as Type, and enter (800) 555-2222.
  10. Click "Add E-mail Address" on the Email Address tab, select Business as Type, and enter matthew@carpetservice.com.
  11. Click Save.  The new vendor should be highlighted in the Work Order Vendors/Contacts List.

Create Work Order for New Vendor

  1. From Navigation, click "Add Work Order".
  2. From the Priority drop-down, select High.
  3. From the Type drop-down, select Maintenance.
  4. From the From drop-down, select Housekeeping.
  5. From the Location drop-down, select 101-Room.
  6. Enter "spot in entry way" in the Description field.
  7. On the Assign tab, select "Matthew's Carpet Service" from the Vendor drop-down.
  8. Select 03/01/98 as the Requested End Date.
  9. Enter "00:30" as the Allotted Time.
  10. Save & Close.
  11. At the "Send Notification to Assigned Vendor/Contact?" prompt, say Yes.
  12. Check the "Include Work Order Description in Body" box.
  13. Click Send.

Find New Work Order and Close

  1. From Work Orders, click "Find Work Order"
  2. From the Vendor drop-down, select "Matthew's Carpet Service".
  3. Click Find.
  4. Select the Work Order we created for the "spot in entry way".
  5. From Options, click "Change Work Order" or double-click the work order to open "Work Order (Change)".
  6. From the Assign tab, enter the Date Started as 03/01/98.
  7. From the Assign tab, click the "Add Time Spent" button and enter 08:00 am as the "Start Time" and 08:45 am as the "End Time".
  8. From the Assign tab, click the "End Date" up-arrow to automatically fill in the date with 03/01/98.
  9. From the Assign tab, click the Status drop-down and select Closed.
  10. Click Save & Close.
  11. From Options, select Closed from the Status drop-down to view the newly closed work order in the Monitor.

Receive and Enter Invoice Information

  1. Assume Matthew left an invoice for the cleaning upon completion of the job.  With the work order selected in the Monitor, click "Change Work Order".
  2. Click the "Invoice Amount" link in the "Work Order Cost Summary" section to access the Charges/Payments tab.
  3. In the Invoice Information section of the "Charges/Payments" tab, enter 03/01/98 as the Date, 000265 as the Invoice#, and 31.13 as the Invoice Information Amount.  Since the Work Order Vendor master has a 3% mark-up (see Step 8 of Create Vendor above.), the "Billing Information Amount" is automatically marked up by 3% to 32.06 and the Invoice Balance should read 31.13.
  4. Click the "Post Charge" button. 
  5. At the prompt "Post Work Order Charges To", click Owner.  Review the transaction: Transaction Code= OC-Owner Clean Fee (based on Vendor master), Description=Owner Clean Fee, Price=32.06, and Quantity=1. 
  6. Click "Post & Close".  The posted charge displays in the grid, the "Billing Information Amount" is 32.06, and the "Billing Information Billed" field is 32.06 (amount charged to the owner).  The "Billing Information Balance" is zero, since the charges have already been posted.
  7. Click "Save & Close".

Process Vendor Payables

  1. From Navigation, Process Payables from the Vendors submenu.
  2. Select "Matthew's Carpet Service" from the Vendor drop-down. 
  3. Click Display.
  4. Since we designated the Transaction Code to be used for owner billing, the Transaction Code is automatically completed with "06 - Maintenance".
  5. Click "Process Payables".
  6. At "Payments processed successfully", click OK.  The form closes upon completion.

Process Vendor Statements

  1. Select List from Work Orders | Vendors.
  2. Highlight "Matthew's Carpet Service" in the grid.
  3. Click Statements from Options.
  4. Single Vendor is checked and "Matthew's Carpet Service" is selected in the "Starting Vendor" and "Ending Vendor" fields because it was selected in the grid.
  5. Click "Preview One Statement" on the Print tab in the Statement Actions section to review.  Close the Report viewer when done.
  6. Click the E-mail tab.  The Statement Report Format is set to PDF to allow attaching the statement while disallowing the vendor to make changes.  The Subject is automatically completed, but it can be changed if necessary.
  7. Enter "Statement for Room# 101 service attached".
  8. Click "E-mail One Statement" to send.
  9. Click the Finalize tab.
  10. Confirm that "Generate check if balance due" is checked.
  11. Confirm that "Place check in print queue" is checked.
  12. Click "Finalize One Statement" on the Finalize tab.
  13. Review the warning, then click Yes.
  14. A confirmation is displayed.  Click OK.
  15. Click Close.

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