Tutorial - Bill Owner for One Vendor Invoice

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Bill Owner for One Invoice**


Bill Owner for One Vendor Invoice

  1. Log into the system using CCS data files.
  2. From Masters | Work Order Vendors, select Add Vendor.
  3. Name = "Pacific Gas & Electric".  Skip the address for now.
  4. Select "22 - Electric Meters" from the Owner Billing Transaction drop-down.
  5. Select "02 - Electrical Repair" from the Vendor Billing Transaction drop-down.
  6. Click the Accounts tab.
  7. Click the "Add Account" button.
  8. Enter 12345 in Account#. Tab.
  9. Enter 101 in Room#. Tab to display the Owner Name and Owner# based on Room# entered.
  10. Enter Default Amount as $78.
  11. Save.
  12. Click Test from the main menu.
  13. Click Process Invoice from Test Forms.
  14. Select Pacific Gas & Electric from the Vendor drop-down.
  15. Click the Account# down-arrow to view the account number just added to the vendor in Step 8 above.
  16. Enter Invoice Date as 3/1/98.
  17. Enter Invoice# as 98765.
  18. Enter Amount as 82.
  19. Enter Description as "Power bill for February."
  20. The (Vendor) Transaction Code and Owner Transaction Code are automatically completed based on the information entered on the Vendor in Steps 4 and 5 above.
  21. Check the Post Vendor Payable Now box to pay the vendor now.
  22. The Owner Amount was automatically updated with the appropriate amount based on the entries on the Vendor in Step 18 above.
  23. Save.  The owner transaction (and vendor transaction if "Post Vendor Payable Now" was checked) is posted and prints on the next statement.

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