Tutorial - Asset Management - Add and Change Vendor or Contact Steps

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Add a Vendor
Add a Contact
Change a Vendor
Change a Contact

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Add a Vendor

  1. From the Work Order Vendors/Contacts grid, select Add Vendor from Options. 
  2. Enter Name of Vendor.  This is the only mandatory field in the Add Vendor window.  Other fields are available for entry, as well as tabs for Comments, Notes, Phone Numbers, and E-Mail Addresses.
  3. Click the Save button, or use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

Add a Contact

  1. Highlight the Vendor under which the Contact will be added.
  2. From the Work Order Vendors/Contacts grid, select Add Contact from Options.  (Note: If the user selects to add a contact before adding a vendor to the system, the user will be prompted to add a vendor first.  Once a vendor has been added, a contact record can be added to the vendor.)
  3. Enter Name of Contact.  This is the only mandatory field in the Add Contact window.  Other fields are available for entry, as well as tabs for Comments, Notes, Phone Numbers, and E-Mail Addresses.
  4. Click the Save button, or use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

Change a Vendor

  1. Highlight the Vendor to be edited in the Work Order Vendors/Contacts grid.
  2. Click Change Vendor/Contact from Options.
  3. Make necessary changes.
  4. Click the Save button, or use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

Change a Contact

  1. To change a Contact, first expand the associated Vendor information by clicking on the icon.
  2. Highlight the Contact to be edited in the Work Order Vendors/Contacts grid.
  3. Click Change Vendor/Contact from from Options.
  4. Make necessary changes.
  5. Click the Save button, or use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.

Save Vendor or Contact

There are options when saving the Vendor/Contact:

  1. To save and close the Vendor/Contact click the Save button, use the mouse to select the File menu and click on Save, or use Ctrl+S on the keyboard.
  2. To save the Asset and clear the form for adding additional Vendors/Contacts, use the File menu to select Save and New or use the F4 key on the keyboard

To cancel the Add Vendor/Contact and close the form, click the Close button.

If one or more fields have been entered or chosen and it is necessary to reset the fields, use the File Menu to select New or use F2 on the keyboard.

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