Tutorial - Work Orders - Monitor (Add, Assign, Export, & View)

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.


Add Work Order

Assign Work Order

Change Work Order

Export Work Order

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

View Work Orders in Monitor

  1. Select Monitor from Work Orders in the Main Menu.  The system will display New Work Orders (unassigned) in the Monitor grid.
  2. To view Open Work Orders (assigned but pending), change the Status to Open from the drop-down list in the Options.
  3. To view Open Work Orders by a particular Vendor, select Taft Electric Company from the Vendor drop-down list.
  4. Double-Click on the 11/03/03 Work Order to open the Work Order (Change) screen and view work order detail.
  5. Click the Close button.
  6. To view Closed Work Orders (assigned and completed), change the Status to Closed in the drop-down list in the Options.
  7. To view Closed Work Orders by Vendor, select Ross from the Vendor drop-down list.
  8. Click on the Assigned To column in the grid and drag it to the gray area above the grid.  A notice is posted to "Drag a column header here to group by that column."
  9. Right-Click and select Expand All.
  10. Note: In addition to using the grouping feature of the grid, users can view all Open or Closed Work Orders assigned to a particular Contact by selecting someone specific from the Contact drop-down list.

Add a Work Order (From the Monitor screen)

  1. Select Add Work Order from the Work Orders Main Menu.
  2. From the Details section, select PLUMBING from the Request Type drop-down list,
  3. In the Request Taken From field, select GUEST.
  4. Click the Find Res button.
  5. In the Room Number field, enter 101.  Notice the system auto-fills the Reservation Number field with 79 for you.
  6. In the Description field, type "Leaky master bathroom sink faucet."
  7. Click the Save button.

Assign a Work Order

  1. Select Monitor from the Work Orders Main Menu.
  2. Double-Click on the 11/04/03 Work Order for Ants.
  3. From the Assign tab, select Ross from the Vendor drop-down list.
  4. Enter the Requested Start Date/Time as 11/05/03. 

    Note: The system auto-fills the current RDP time into the Requested Start Time field.  It can be modified manually.

  5. Enter 11/04/03 as the Requested End Date.
  6. Enter "1" before the ":" in the Allotted Time per Hours field to request the Work Order be completed within the hour.
  7. Click the Save button.

Change a Work Order

  1. Select Monitor from the Work Orders Main Menu.
  2. Change the Status to Open from Options.
  3. Highlight the 11/04/03 Refrigerator broken Work Order in the grid.
  4. Click Change Work Order from Options.
  5. On the Details section, add "Door won't stay closed." into the Description field.
  6. Click the Save button.

Export Monitor to Excel

  1. Select Monitor from the Work Orders Main Menu.
  2. Change the Status to Closed from Options.
  3. Right-Click and select Export Monitor to Excel. (Also available in Options.)
  4. Enter an appropriate path to save the Microsoft Excel document.  Remember where you saved it!
  5. Click the Save button.
  6. Open the document in Microsoft Excel and manipulate to users needs.  Tutorials on graphing this information will be available soon.

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