Frequently Asked Questions

  Click here for the How To Index

How do I...

How do I find out about new features?

What if the property's date format needs to be set to International (dd/mm/yy)? 

What is the difference between booked totals and committed totals?

How are credit card authorizations released?

What are the steps to update RDPWin?

What are the steps to configure the SMTP server?

How can certain guests be prevented from making reservations?

Which files should be backed up regularly?

How do I change the default printer in RDPWin?

What is the different between a group master and a group leader?

If I freeze rates, does RDP freeze package components?

How do turn off the folio from printing automatically at check-out?

How do I...
How To's are available for many different RDPWin basic and enhanced modules.  Click here for How To's.
How do I find out about new features?
New features will appear in the Revision Notes for each release of RDPWin. See Revision Index for listing of the latest revisions and features.
What if the property's date format needs to be set to International (dd/mm/yy)?
RDPWin supports International dates (dd/mm/yy). The date format is dependant on the workstation's "Regional Settings" found in Control Panel.
What is the difference between booked totals and committed totals?
Committed Totals include room blocks that are allocated but not yet specifically reserved by group members.  Committed Occupancy % indicates the occupancy percentage of the actual reservations plus group blocks.  Booked Totals include only actual reservations made by guests and group members without regard to those committed/allocated.  Booked Occupancy% indicates the occupancy percentage of actual reservations.  For additional detail, please review Committed Totals and IRM Help.
How are credit card authorizations released?
Only certain credit card types allow authorizations to be released. To release an authorization, take a payment using a different method or credit card. The system will prompt to release authorizations. Select Yes. If the credit card does not allow this function to be completed in RDPWin, authorizations can be released by contacting the bank directly or actually charging something to the account.
What are the steps to update RDPWin?
Update and installation steps for downloading and installing updates are outlined at http://support.resortdata.com/Customers/Download/RDPWinUpdates.htm.
What are the steps to configure the SMTP server?
Steps for configuring the SMTP server are outlined at http://support.resortdata.com/Customers/Knowledge/KB-RDPWin/KWin0010.htm.
How can certain guests be prevented from making reservations?
Guests can be designated as "Do Not Rent" (DNR) for such reasons as damage incurred during last visit or other difficult dealings.  From CRM | Configuration | Details tab, add and save a Guest Type for DNR.  From the Reservations | Configuration | New Res tab, set the Block Reservations for this Guest Type drop-down to "DNR - Do Not Rent".  From the CRM List, locate the guest in question and click Change.  On the Details tab, set the Guest Type for troubled guests to DNR. See How To Block Guests for steps on how to make certain guests Do Not Rent.
Which files should be backed up regularly?
All files in the c:\rdpnt\rdp\ directory on the data server and c:\inetpub\wwwroot\irm directory on the IRM server should be backed up consistently. Storage of back-up tapes should be off-site.
How do I change the default printer in RDPWin?
The default printer settings are defined by the printer that is selected as the Windows default printer located in the Control Panel | Printers and Faxes. To change the Windows default printer, right the desired printer and select Set as Default Printer. If changing the printer for specific reports that print such as folios, reg cards, or work orders, select the Configuration option under the appropriate menu. For example, to change the folio printer, go to the Reservations main menu | Configuration | Folio tab.
What is the difference between a group master and a group leader?
A group master is an account created on the B3 - City Ledger Group Billing. This master account can be created on time and used over and over again. A group master allows for statistical tracking, group block allocation and invoicing or statement capabilities after check-out. The master is not a reservation and cannot be checked-in or out.
A group leader is an actual reservation created a linking or billing folio reservation. It is not designed to be the actual leader of group because it will be placed in a non-rental room without a rate. Group members can bill charges to the leader and receive detailed folios in 6 different formats. The leader will check-in and out with the group, but will not be used again for future stays. See How To for more group information.
If I freeze rates, does RDP freeze package components?
RDP does not freeze package components when using the Freeze Rate utility. This utility is only designed to freeze Rate Sets. If changing package pricing while still wanting to maintain the original pricing for existing reservations, it recommended that a new package with the new pricing be created. See How To Create Packages for more information.
How do I turn off the folio from printing automatically at check-out?
If the folio is automatically printing at check-out, uncheck the box When Printing Folios, Show All Totals Even If No Activity from the Reservations main menu | Configuration | Folio Tab. When it is unchecked, a prompt will appear and allow you to select which folio to print, or cancel to not print.

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Last Updated 02/28/2011

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