IRM.Net - Configure IRM.net Deposits

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IRM.Net Configuration Tabs

Appearance Tab

Block Dates Tab

Calendar Tab

Comment Fields Tab

Deposits Tab

Groups/Agents Tab

Interactive Map Tab (Module T4 Required)

Miscellaneous Tab

Owners Tab (Module R3 Required)

Preferences Tab

Promotional Codes Tab

Reservation Priority (Module R6 Required)

Reservations Tab

Steps To Configure

Virtual Store Tab (Module S1 Required)


Configure how the IRM.Net takes deposits for booked reservations.

Total Charge
Include Daily Charges
When checked, Daily Charges are included in the deposit calculated for the total charges of IRM.Net reservations.
Include Other Charges and Security Deposit
When checked, Other Charges and Security Deposits are included in the deposit amount calculated for the total charges of IRM.Net reservations.
Include Tax
When checked, taxes are included in the deposit amount calculated for the total charges of IRM.Net reservations.
Include Virtual Store
When checked, Virtual Store items selected by the guest are included in the deposit amount calculated for the totals charges of IRM.Net reservations.
Require Deposit

Select only one of the deposit requirement options:

Always Take a Credit Card Deposit
When selected, a credit card deposit is required for all IRM.Net reservations regardless of returning or new guest status.  Note:  See Require 100% Deposit for details on deposit amounts and IRM.Net rate plans.
Take a Credit Card Deposit for New Guests Only
When selected, a credit card deposit is required for all IRM.Net reservations made for new, non-returning guests status.  Note:  See Require 100% Deposit for details on deposit amounts and IRM.Net rate plans.
Never Take a Deposit
When selected, a deposit is not allowed or requested for any IRM.Net reservations.
Hide Credit Card Fields on Res Entry Screen
When Never Take a Deposit is selected, check this box to hide all fields pertaining to credit cards on the screen.
Take a Deposit on Rate Plans Configured to Require Full Payment
When selected, IRM.Net requires a 100% deposit for reservations with rate plans that are configured to require full payment. If the rate plan is not set to require full payment, then no deposit is required.The switch is active only when the Never Take a Deposit radio button is selected, and the Hide Credit Card Fields on Res Entry screen is unchecked.
Allow Guests to Opt-in to Paying at the Time of Booking
This checkbox is available if the IRM.Net Configuration is set to Never Take a Deposit. The IRM.Net can be enabled so guests have the option of taking a deposit at the time of booking even though it is not required. This is for guests that would like to pay now. The guest checks the "I would like to pay for this reservation now" box on the Res Entry page. Once checked, the Name on Card field appears for the guest to enter their name or the name of the cardholder. This allows someone other than the guest to make the reservation and pay the deposit. The Billing Zip Code field is also required. A message below displays to the guest that they will be charged once the Make Reservation button is clicked.
The default wording of "I would like to pay for this reservation now" can be modified. The file resides on the IRM.Net server in C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\IRMNet\Custom\<RDP Server>\RDP<xx>\UserText\PayNowOption.txt.
If the rate plan selected is not a rate that requires full payment, then the checkbox to pay now is available. If the rate plan requires full payment, then the checkbox does not display and the guest is automatically charged the deposit.
Use RDPWin Deposit Settings
When selected, the IRM.Net will use the same deposit policy configured in RDPWin. This allows consistency between deposits collected in both RDPWin and the IRM.Net. Selecting this option deactivates much of the IRM.Net deposit settings. If the RDPWin deposit policy is not already set up, configure it from the Reservation Configuration --> Deposits tab. RDPWin deposit policy does not calculate Virtual Store items. If these should be included in the IRM.Net deposit, use the IRM.Net deposit settings instead. If Travel Services are enabled, they will be added to the first deposit amount, which is required to be collected upon booking completion.
Use the Computer Date for Credit Card Payment Transactions
Check this box and the IRM.Net will use the date on the computer instead of the RDP system date for credit card payment transactions. This feature is useful for auto-batching of credit card payments. The credit card interface program uses the computer date for the transaction, which maybe ahead of the RDP system date if the date has not been changed to the next day yet. This way the transaction date in RDP and the credit card software are the same.

Select only one of the following settings for calculating deposit amounts on IRM.Net reservations:

Total Charge (as calculated above)
When selected, IRM.Net reservation deposits are calculated based on the Total Charges which may include daily charges, other charges, security deposit, virtual store items, travel services, and taxes, based on the configuration selected in the Total Charge section.
Percent of Total Charge (as calculated above)
When selected, IRM.Net reservation deposits are calculated based on a percentage of the Total Charges which may include daily charges, other charges, security deposit, virtual store items, travel services, and taxes, based on the configuration selected in the Total Charge section.
When Percent of Total Charge is the selected form of deposit calculation, enter the percentage of total charges to be used as the default deposit amount on IRM.Net reservations.
Flat Amount
When selected, IRM.Net reservation deposits are calculated based on the amount entered in the Amount to Use field.
Amount to Use
When Flat Amount is the selected form of deposit calculation, enter the fixed amount to be used as the default deposit amount on IRM.Net reservations.
Night's Average of Total Charge
When selected, IRM.Net reservation deposits are calculated based on the nightly average of the IRM.Net reservation's Total Charges.
Number of Nights
When "Night's Average of Total Charge" is the selected form of deposit calculation, IRM.Net reservation deposits are calculated based the average of nights as designated here.
Room Charge for 1 Night(s) Plus 3% Markup
When selected, the room charge for one night plus an additional 3% is calculated for the deposit.
Take Deposit of Full Amount If Arrival is w/in xx Days of Current Date
When checked and the arrival date on the reservation is within the configured number of days of current date, then the system requires a deposit of the full amount of the reservation.  When not checked, the system calculates the deposit based on configured deposit settings.

Select only one of the following options as the default setting for the Guaranteed field on IRM.Net reservations:

Set Guaranteed Field to Yes
When selected, the Guaranteed field on the reservation is set to Yes by default for all IRM.Net reservations.
Only Set Guaranteed Field to Yes for Reservations with a Credit Card
When selected, the Guaranteed field on the reservation is set to Yes by default for all IRM.Net reservations with a credit card on file.
Set Guaranteed Field to No
When selected, the Guaranteed field on the reservation is set to No by default for all IRM.Net reservations.
Travel Services

Travel Services options are enabled only if:

For more information about configuring Travel Services, See "Reservations - Travel Services"

A credit card deposit is required in order to add travel services to an IRM.Net reservation. Travel services purchases will be added to the deposit amount as calculated in the Calculate Deposit section.

Enable Security Deposit Protection
When checked,Security Deposit Protection is turned on for IRM.Net reservations. Security Deposit Protection is a way to protect the room from damages by having the guest purchase a non-refundable insurance that is fraction of the cost of the security deposit. Guests still have the option to uncheck Security Deposit Protection and pay the standard security deposit (if configured for the IRM.Net. See "Include Other Charges and Security Deposit"). The total is recalculated automatically to reflect the removal of Security Deposit Protection.
Note: the IRM.Net refers to Security Deposit Protection as Damage Insurance, which includes a link to a popup window that outlines the policy in detail.
Enable Vacation Protection
When checked, Vacation Protection is turned on for IRM.Net reservations. Vacation Protection is an optional insurance policy that protects the guest against unfortunate occurrence that can interfere with their vacation. Guests have the option to uncheck the Vacation Protection. The total is recalculated automatically to reflect the removal of the Vacation Protection.
Note: the IRM.Net refers to Vacation Protection as Vacation Insurance, which includes a link to a popup window that outlines the policy in detail.
Do Not Automatically Include Security Deposit Protection
When checked, Security Deposit Protection (SDP) is not automatically included on IRM.Net reservations. The guest can still check the option to include it. If this configuration setting is not checked, SDP will be added to the reservation, still offering the guest the option to exclude it. By law, Vacation Protection cannot be included automatically, only SDP.


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