Grid Information in RDPWin

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Column Choices Page Through Grids
Add Buttons Pin Columns
Double-Click Editing Reorder Columns
Expand and Contract Rows Right-Click Menu
Filter Row Selector
Find Assistant Sort
Group Columns Summation


Grids are used to display various information based on user filters throughout the system.  Grids are standardized to display and offer uniform layouts and options within all modules.  All grid Right-Click options are listed below.  Use the arrow, home, end, page up, and page down keys to move throughout the grid, as well as the Tab key to move down a row and Shift-Tab to move up.  When an option such as change or check-in is clicked without having a record selected, the Find form opens to request one be selected.

The reservation number of Group Leaders and Primary Sharewith reservations is displayed in bold in all grids to help users identify primary/leader reservations.


Column Choices

Current users of the system should select the "Reset Grid Layout" BEFORE using this option for the first time.  New fields are added to the list periodically.  Click the Defaults button to update the list before making choices to insure the list is up to date. 

Column Choices allows the addition or removal of columns in the currently displayed grid for a quicker, more selective query.  The selected column information is saved on a per-user and RDP directory basis (each user can select columns unique to each property directory).  The columns in the Column Choices grid cannot be sorted.

Current Columns
The columns currently included in the selected grid are displayed on the right with the "In Use" box checked.  Once in use, the order in which the columns display in the grid can be changed using the Top, Up, Down, and Bottom buttons.  Check the checkbox in the header row of Current Columns to set the current list of columns to the default setting.

Ex:  Name, Res#, Room#, and Arrival are displayed in grid in that order.  Highlight the Room# row in Column Choices and click the Top button to display the columns in this order:  Room#, Name, Res#, Arrival.  Highlight the Name row and click Down to display the columns in this order:  Room#, Res#, Name, Arrival.
Additional Columns
Columns not currently in use on the selected grid are displayed in the Additional Columns section.  To add a column to the current list, check the box of the desired field.  To select all columns to be displayed, check the check box in the header row of Additional Columns.  Click the Defaults button to reset the column locations to the original settings. 

When all selections have been made, click the Save button. To reject changes, select the Close button.

Click the checkmark in the "In Use" header row of Current Columns or click Defaults to return to the system default settings (as long as at least one row remains in the Current Columns).  New fields are added to the list periodically.  Click the Defaults button to update the list before making choices to insure the list is up to date.
Display Names
The "Display Name" in both the Current and Additional Columns can be changed by typing directly into the field.  Use the scroll bar to reveal the entire Display Name column in either the Additional or Current list.  The changes are automatically saved and do not require the Save button to be clicked.
Move Columns
To move a column to a different position or order in the grid from this screen, select the row and use the Top, Up, Down, and Bottom buttons.
Remove Current Columns
To remove a column from the "Current" list, uncheck the "In Use" box of the desired field.  That field is moved to Additional Columns and displayed in alphabetical order.  For all but Room Master, the Name and Number fields are always displayed.  In the Room Master, the Room Number is always displayed in the first column, regardless of positioning in Choose Columns screen.
Select Current Columns
To add a column to the "Current" list, check the "In Use" box of the desired field.  The selected field is moved to the Current list and displayed as the first column in the grid.  Use Move Columns to re-order.

Grid Functions

This button appears in a variety of places, especially the configuration areas and allows for the addition of new items.  For example, in Housekeeping\Change Boards, there are two Add buttons.  One for adding a new 'Board' and the other for adding a new 'Clean.'
Double-Click Editing
Double-Click Editing, when available, allows the user to double-click on a row of information to view and change detail.  For example in Work Orders, double-click any row within any section of Work Orders to allow detail review such as vendor information and change contact information.
When viewing data, click the expander icon to display the detail that feeds the summary information.  For example in Housekeeping when viewing Today's Schedule, a summary line displays for each board created.  Clicking on the expander icon shows the detail for the selected board.  Once the expand feature is active, the icon changes to and returns the view back to a summary. 
Filter (Standard)
Allows the filtering of column information by clicking the filter icon in the column header.  The user can create a Custom filter, display information with Blanks or Non-Blanks, or a module-specific description such as room numbers within Reservations.
Filter (Advanced)
In addition to basic filter function in the grid, the Analysis grid offers additional filter capabilities.  Below the column header and above the first row of the grid are filter drop-down arrows.  Non-numeric fields are those displayed using text, which can include numbers.  For example, the Res# field displays Room# 301 in the grid, but the field actually contains "_ _ _ 301" (six characters).  Numeric fields are specifically formatted for numbers or dates and do not contain spaces.  Date fields do contain the "/" symbol between the numbers to help separate the data.
FilterNumeric or Non-NumericDefinition
Display only data including the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "r" in the Name column filter and display only reservations with the letter "r" appearing anywhere in the FIRST OR LAST name (such as Graf, Stefi) that fall under the parameters entered above the grid.
Does Not Contain
Display reservations that do not include the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "10" in the Agent1 column filter and display reservations with agents that do not include "10" in their identification number.
Does Not End With
Display reservations that do not end with the selected letter(s) or number(s). For example, enter "1" in the SOB (source of business) column filter and display reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid except those that end with "1".  This would display reservations with a SOB of either 0 or 2-9.
Does Not Equal
Display reservations that do not match exactly with the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display all reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid except those with "1200" in total charges.
Does Not Match
Display reservations that do not match exactly with the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "20DC" in the Rate Plan column filter and display all reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid except those with the "20DC" rate plan.
Does Not Start With
Display reservations that do not begin with the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "G" in the Ty (res type) column filter and display reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid except for guest of owner reservations.
Ends With
Display only reservations with a last name ending with the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "S" in the Name column filter and display only reservations with a LAST name beginning with "S" (such as Smith, Will but not Johnson, Sean) that fall under the parameters entered above the grid.
Display reservations that match exactly with the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display only reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid with "1200" in total charges.
Greater Than
Display reservations that are more than the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display only reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid with more than "1200" in total charges.
Greater Than or Equal To
Display reservations that are the same or more than the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display only reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid with exactly or more than "1200" in total charges.
Less Than
Display reservations that are less than the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display only reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid with less than "1200" in total charges.
Less Than or Equal To
Display reservations that are the same less than the selected number(s) or date.  For example, enter "1200" in the Total$ column filter and display only reservations that fall under the parameters entered above the grid with exactly or less than "1200" in total charges.
Using ? to hold character spaces and * to represent a wild card, display reservations that match the the selected letter(s) or number(s).   For example, enter "??s*" in the Name column filter, Eastwood is displayed.
Matches Regular Expression
Display reservations that match the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter Ryan in the Name filter to display reservations for Meg Ryan and Bryant Gumbel which both contain ryan somewhere within the name.
Not Like
Using ? to hold character spaces and * to represent a wild card, display reservations that do not match the the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter ??s* in the Name column filter, Eastwood is not displayed.
Starts With
Display only reservations with a last name beginning with the selected letter(s) or number(s).  For example, enter "P" in the Name column filter and display only reservations with a LAST name beginning with "P" (such as Pippin, Scottie but not Jones, Penny) that fall under the parameters entered above the grid.
Find Assistant
When viewing Masters lists, a "Find" assistant is available.  Enter as much known information as possible in the find field and click the Find Now button.  The Find can be performed on any column by clicking on any one of the column headers.  The grid displays reservation alphabetically by Name by default.  When a column is sorted, the Find Assistant uses that column to search.

Find Assistant When Grid is Sorted by Name Column
Find Assistant When Grid is Sorted by Agent# Column
Group Columns
To view columns within a group, click on the desired group header and drag it up into the grouping area.  For example in Reporter\E-Mail Guest History, drag the Market Code (MC) Location header up into the grouping area.  All data is then listed by MC, showing all Guest History within MC with the total number of entries.  If it is necessary to group within a group, click the Expander and drag the additional header into the grouping area (for instance Source of Business), to the right of the original entry.  MC is the main group with SOB as a subgroup.  To return to original layout, drag the grouped headers back down to the grid.  For a sample video on Grouping Columns, click here.
Allows the pinning of a column into place.  When scrolling, use the pin icon to lock a column it in place so when the user scrolls from left to right the column is always visible.  Once a column has been pinned, the icon appears as .
Reorder Columns
To reorder columns, click and drag the column to the desired location and pin it into place.  Depending on the module, this can be a temporary or a default setting.  For example, in Work Orders, this setting is saved as a personal setting by specific logon.  Each user has a different logon with different, saved display settings.  To view a sample video on Reordering Columns, click here.
Row Selector
To select an entire row, click in the box to the left of the first column.  The selected row is highlighted in bright blue as shown above.  The right arrow icon also indicates which row has been selected.  To change the selection, simply repeat. 
Sort columns.  When the arrow is pointing up, the column information is sorted with the lowest value at the top of the column.  When the arrow is pointing down , the information reverses to show the highest value at the top.  Select this icon to toggle the information at any time.  Once a column is sorted, hold the Shift key and click on any other column header to sort by a second, third, and fourth column.
The Summation feature can be found on the Assets listing in Work Orders (only available if the RZ Work Orders & Asset Management module has been installed), as well as Analysis screens.  Click on the symbol in the column header and choose one of the check boxes.  Options available are Average, Count, Maximum, Minimum, and Sum.  Drag any column into the grouping area above the grid such as "Type" and the Sum per type appears in the group header for each type.
View Grid Pages
To view more pages on grids, use the symbols listed below:
Start "|<"   
Returns grid to the first row of the first page.
Previous "<"
Returns to the previously viewed page.
Next ">"
Advances the display to the next page.
End ">|"
Advances to the last page of the grid.

Right-Click Menu


Right-click menus show the same capabilities in most modules but only have relevant capabilities activated, depending on the active grid and module. Right-click menus may appear with different options on different grids.

Print Grid sends the current grid to the printer.

Print Preview Griddisplays how the grid will appear as a printed document. current

Export Grid to Excel sends the current grid to an Excel file, file name designated by the user, to allow the user the ability to manipulate data in ways other than available in the grid.  The system prompts to either open the document during the save process or normally through Excel at a later time.

Export Grid to PFD sends the current grid to a PDF file. The file name is designated by the user, to be viewed independently of the application or operating system using a program like Adobe Acrobat Reader.  The system prompts to either open the document during the save process or normally through a PDF reader at a later time.

Go to Top Row and Go to Bottom Row take the user to the top or bottom of the grid.  This is most useful when the grid contains a lot of data or when the summation feature is used, wherein the total sum is at the bottom of the grid.

Expand All Rows and Collapse All Rows allow the expansion or collapse all grouped information as in individual cleans within Housekeeping Boards or Resort Assets within Work Orders and Asset Management when grouped by a field or fields. 

Clear Column Filters is only available after a filter is selected in the grid.  When several filters are active, Clear Filters returns the grid to the unfiltered default settings.

Clear Column Groupings is available after a field to be grouped is selected in the grid.  Clear Column Groupings returns the grid to its default field placements without changing any other changes previously made such as filters or column widths. 

Delete Selected Row deletes any selected row within a grid.  For example, delete a work order, vendor, or contact from a grid.  Some restrictions apply for these actions.  This option is rarely available.

Reset Grid Layout returns the current grid to its default settings and abandon any column width, filters, or group settings entered by the user.  This is only available when the grid information is being saved, and it returns the entire grid to its default settings.  Use with caution.  Should any grids appear to not be displaying correctly, use this function before calling support.  (Not available in Work Orders & Asset Management/Vendors.)


Sample Menu



Schedule and Room Status - Show Room Detail
These grids offer the ability to Show Room Detail in several ways.  The user can either select the Room Number and click the Room Detail button in Today's Summary or the Options section of the Navigation Panel, double-click on a row, or use the right-click menu while in the grid areas of Schedule, Monitor Status, History Analysis, and Room Status to access this feature.


Activity Vendors | Activity Schedule - Print
Click Print to print the Activity Schedule to the designated printer.
Show Master Detail
To show the detail of an individual master, check the Show Master Detail box and highlight a row.  The detail tabs available within each master are displayed based on the selected row.  For example, the Contact Info., Master Info., Comments, and Notes tabs are displayed in Vendor Master Analysis.  These are the same tabs displayed in add, change, and view Masters.
Rooms | Room# Info
Click to display Room Number Information.
Rooms | Room Type Information
Click to display Room Type Information.
Analysis | Select Columns
See Column Choices.


Activity/Itinerary - Activity Detail
Click Activity Detail for information.
Activity/Itinerary - Activity Info
Display additional information about a selected activity stored in the Help folder (usually f:\RDP\Help) as Rich Text Format (RTF) files defined by each property.  The system first looks for an RTF file with the resort number and the component number as the file name.  If not found, the system attempts to find a file with only the component number. If still not found, the system uses the vendor number and searches by resort number and then vendor number alone.  If still unsuccessful, it uses the charge code, again using the same search options. This option is available wherever Itinerary items are displayed in a list, including the add activity form.  If all searches are unsuccessful, a "File Not Found" error message displays a list of all files searched that do not exist.  For help on how to add or change customer help files, see Add/Change RDPWin Custom Help Tutorial.
Activity/Itinerary - Notes
Click on any itinerary line item in the Reservation Details/Itinerary tab grid or Add/Change Activity and right-click to open the Activity Notes screen.  Click Save when complete or Close to abandon changes and return to the Reservation Details screen.
Activity/Itinerary - Print Ticket
From the Itinerary tab in Reservation Details or the Add/Change Activity grid, select the activity to print, right-click, and select Print Ticket.  The system uses the ###S subrecord in the HR table for printing tickets  The number of copies is set to "1" by default, but can be change by using the up and down arrows or typing directly into the Copies field.  Click Print to send the command to the default printer or Close to abandon the print command.
Analysis Grid - Columns
See Column Choices.
Analysis Grid  -  Show Res Detail
This grid offers the ability to show the reservation detail.  The user can either check the Show Res Detail box in the Analysis Options area or use the right-click menu to access this feature.
Arrivals, In-House, and Departures - E-Mail or Print Confirmation
Once an Arrival, In-House, or Departures reservation is selected, the user can right-click and select E-Mail Confirmation to send the confirmation to the specific e-mail address in the reservation or Print Confirmation to send a copy of the confirmation to the local printer.
Arrivals, In-House, and Departures - Print Folio
Once an Arrival, In-House, or Departures reservation is selected, right-click and select Print Folio to send a copy of the folio to the local printer.
E-Mail or Print Confirmation
Open the E-mail or Print Options screen and allow the selection of confirmation type.  Once selected, the E-mail Confirmation screen opens to allow manipulation of the confirmation details.
Folio - Print Receipt
While the focus is on any folio grid, users can select any credit card transaction that was processed through Protobase and Print Receipt from the right-click menu. 
New Reservation - All Quotes: Clear
Use this option to delete all quotes from the Quote grid area.  This selection cannot be reversed.
New Reservation - Selected Quote: Restore
When several quotes have been made and displayed in the Quote grid, use this option to restore the selected quote to an active position.  When Make Reservation is clicked, it is based on the restored quote.
New Reservation - Selected Quote: View Folio
When several quotes have been made and displayed in the Quote grid, use this option to view a folio for a particular quote.  For example, one quote may have folio charges for golf, and another may be room charges only.
New Reservation - Selected Quote: View Itinerary
When several quotes have been made and displayed in the Quote grid, use this option to view an itinerary for a particular quote.  For example, one quote may have itinerary items for show tickets, and another may have dinner and show tickets.


Auto Fill allows the entry of the same rate plan into the cells for a range of dates.  The user must left-click in a cell in the row to be changed in order to activate the cell.  Then right-click and select Auto Fill to choose a range of dates and a rate plan.  Click Continue to input the selected rate plan into the cells in the active row.
Best Available Rate
This grid offers the ability to add and deleted Rate Date-Sets.
RDPWinMonitor - Send E-mail Confirmation
Click to send an e-mail confirmation to the selected reservation in the confirmation status section of the RDPWinMonitor screen.  An error message is displayed with details if the notice cannot be sent.  If "No e-mail address", then use Change E-mail Address (also located in the right-click menu).
RDPWinMonitor - Change E-mail Address
Click to open the Change Guest Master screen and make permanent changes to the e-mail address at the guest master level.  Click "Save & Close" when complete to return to the Monitor.
RDPWinMonitor - View Reservation
Click to review the selected reservation in detail.

Work Orders and Asset Management (RZ Module Required) Monitor

Copy Selected Work Order
Copy the currently selected work order into a new request and change the information (if necessary).  If Save is clicked without making any changes, a warning that an exact copy will be saved is displayed.  For example: If a work order requests that an item be delivered to a room for a particular stay but must be removed at a later date, enter a work order for the delivery, then copy the work order to request the item to be picked up.  Enter a new description "pick-up item" on the details tab, enter a new vendor (since the same employee or outside vendor may not be on the work schedule for the pick-up), date, and time information on the Status tab, and Save.  See Copy for more detail.
Print Selected Work Order
Offers the ability to preview or print a single work order selected from the grid.  See Print for more detail.
Email Selected Work Order
Right-click a work order from the monitor and select "E-mail Selected Work Order" to display the Work Order E-mail Notification screen.
Close Selected Work Order
Using the right-click menu to close a work order requires a password entry to validate security clearance open the Close Work Order form.  The Closed By field (user initials) and Completion Date/Time are stamped automatically by the system.  The work order is officially closed when Save is clicked.  Comments and Notes tabs are available for change until saved.  See Close for more detail.
Post Charge
Please see Post Charge.
Refresh Work Order List
Manually refresh the grid prior to the system default refresh setting.  For more information, see Work Orders and Asset Management Configuration Options.
Select Columns
See Column Choices.

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.

Last Updated 05/30/2012

© 1983-2012 Resort Data Processing, Inc. All rights reserved.