Tutorial - Add/Change RDPWin Custom Help (F4)

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Add Custom Help
Change Custom Help

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Add Custom Help (F4)

  1. To add a new file matching the format currently used in RDPWin, open a blank document in Microsoft Word.
  2. From the main menu, click Format and Font.
  3. Change formatting to match these settings:
  4. Type "Sample of New Custom Help File".
  5. Change formatting to match these settings:
  6. Note: Matching format to existing Custom Help is NOT required.

  7. Type Custom Help details.
  8. Click File in the main menu and select Save the document as New.rtf to the RDPNT/RDP/Help folder.
  9. Close the Word document.
  10. Once new files are created, the UL table must be updated to have the new files display in the drop down list.
    • Select Table Maintenance from the System | File Utilities submenu.
    • Select UL from the Table list (UL - User Help File List).
    • Click the Add Subrecord button. 
    • Enter up a file name of six characters or fewer.
    • Enter the Help File Description (up to 40 characters).
    • Select which system accesses the F4 record:  W for RDPWin, D for RDP-DOS, or B for both.
    • Save & Close.
    • Click Close on the Table File Maintenance screen.
  11. Press the F4 key or select Custom Help F4 from the Help drop-down list.
  12. Click the Filename down-arrow and view the "new" document.
  13. Close Custom Help.

Change Custom Help (F4)

  1. Using Microsoft Word, access the RDPNT/RDP/Help folder.
  2. Select "AIRLIN - 800 Numbers for Airlines".
  3. Delete the text "Eagle County Airport 1-970-524-9440.
  4. Click File in the main menu and select Save.
  5. Close the Word document.
  6. Return to RDPWin and press the F4 key or select Custom Help F4 from the Help drop-down list.
  7. Click the down-arrow and select "AIRLIN - 800 Numbers for Airlines".  The Eagle County Airport reference should be gone.
  8. Close Custom Help.

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