Masters - Timeshare Owners - Trade Weeks

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Modules R3 Condominium Owner Accounting and R6 Timeshare & Interval Ownership are required.

Timeshare Topics

Add Contracts

Add Weeks

Change Contracts

Check Timeshare Weeks


Contracts Tab

Cross Reference Calendar

Dates Owned Tab

Expire Banked Weeks

Generate Weeks From Contracts

Global Post (Based on Contracts)

Owner Weeks Tab

Rental Weeks Assignment

Trade Weeks

Week Maintenance

Weeks Analysis

Owners may wish to trade weeks for whatever reason.  In the case of fixed week owners, follow the steps listed below:
  1. Bank the appropriate week for the first owner.  This includes cancelling any reservations booked and expiring the banked week.
  2. Repeat the process for the second owner.
  3. Select the second owner and add the week number that was banked in Step 1 for the first owner.  Assign a room number and save.
  4. Select the first owner and add the week number that was banked for the second owner.  Assign a room number and save. 

To see this process using RDPWin's demo files:

  1. Log into RDPWin's demo files using the 05- TCSC demo files. 
  2. Select Owner 101 from the Find Owner screen.
  3. Select the Owner Weeks tab.
  4. Select the 1998 Week# 49, and click the "Change Week" button.
  5. Check the Banked Week checkbox. 
  6. Answer yes when prompted to cancel the reservation.  A reason for cancellation must be entered such as "Trade week w/ Own601".
  7. Save.
  8. Check the Expired checkbox.
  9. Save & Close.
  10. Select Owner 601 from the Find Owner screen.
  11. Select the Owner Weeks tab.
  12. Select the 1998 Week# 13, and click the "Change Week" button.
  13. Check the Banked Week checkbox. 
  14. Answer yes when prompted to cancel the reservation.  A reason for cancellation must be entered such as "Trade week w/ Own101".
  15. Save.
  16. Check the Expired checkbox.
  17. Save & Close.
  18. Owner 601 should still be displayed in the Owner Analysis screen.  Click the "Add Week" button.
  19.  Year should already be set to 1998.  Select Week 49 using the drop-down arrow or type in the number directly.
  20. Since the owner's room types are different, the Room Type for this week must be changed to that of Owner 101, which in this case is a 3B - Three Bedroom Condo. 
  21. Select Room #825.
  22. Save & Close.
  23. If not already set, select "7 Night Owner" from the Use Type drop-down list on the Week Maintenance screen.
  24. Save & Close.
  25. Select Owner 101 from the Find Owner screen.
  26. Select the Owner Weeks tab.
  27. Click the "Add Week" button.
  28.  Year should already be set to 1998.  Select Week 13 using the drop-down arrow or type in the number directly.
  29. Since the owner's room types are different, the Room Type for this week must be changed to that of Owner 601, which in this case is PH - Penthouse. 
  30. Select Room #901.
  31. Save & Close.
  32. If not already set, select "7 Night Owner" from the Use Type drop-down list on the Week Maintenance screen.
  33. Save & Close.


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