Group Reservations - Rooming List





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Rooming List

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Samples & Tutorials

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For more information, review detail at:

Groups & Conferences Overview (RDP's Website)
Reservation Tutorials

Rooming List Overview

Select a group leader reservation in the grid and click Rooming List from the Reservations | Groups main menu to display the existing reservations under the group leader.  When a group leader reservation is not selected, the Find Group screen opens and requires selection.  Click into a Guest Name field, enter name, press tab key, enter e-mail address, press tab key, and continue until all guest names are updated.

Click into a Guest Name and E-mail Address columns to update the group member name.  No other fields can be changed from this screen.  Below is a sample of the same group once the individual guest names and e-mail addresses have been updated.

Double-click any grid row to access the Change Res form to change other fields in the reservation.

Using the Rooming List, all of the member names can be changed at once to make the task much easier.

Show Cancelled
When the Show Cancelled checkbox is checked on the Rooming List screen, cancelled reservations are included in the List.  
Available Rooms
Click the Available Rooms button to go directly to the available rooms, allowing the rooms to be assigned to each member of the group from the rooming list screen.
Add Sharwith
Select the appropriate reservation and click the Add Sharewith button. This will create the sharewith reservation right from the Rooming List screen. A sharewith column has been added to the grid and will display the reservation number of the primary sharewith.

Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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