Group Reservations - Disburse Deposits





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Disburse Deposits

When a group member is selected to make a deposit, all future and in-house reservations in the group are displayed (including the leader if not already selected).  Checked-out and cancelled reservations are not displayed.  In the case of sharewith reservations, only primary sharewith reservation can receive a deposit disbursement from another member in the group.

For example, there may be 20 golfers with a required deposit of $150 per person.  Upon arrival, only one guest supplies a credit card for $3000 to cover the deposit of all reservations on the group.  When the group does not bill at the group leader level, Disburse Deposit transfers $150 to each of the other members.  The guest paying the deposit is not required to be the group leader.  The sum total of the amount transferred cannot exceed the total paid on the source reservation.

When no deposit exists on the selected group reservation, the system displays a message.

Selected Deposit
When a deposit is taken on any reservation in the group, select the reservation and click Groups | Disburse Deposit from Options.  The deposit is not required to be taken on the leader reservation, although that is allowed.  A sample screen is shown above. 

The deposit transaction is shown in the top portion of the screen, and all future and in-house reservations are displayed in the lower section.  The amount to be disbursed in totaled as well as the remaining balance of the deposit.  Since deposits cannot be disbursed to cancelled or checked-out reservations, those reservations are not included in this screen.  Check the Selected checkbox in the top section of the screen to mark the deposit transaction to be disbursed.  When only one deposit exists, the checkbox is automatically checked.
Click Disburse once the deposit transaction is selected to distribute the deposit based on the user's selection from the Disbursement Options screen.  • All Bucket 9 transactions marked as no-printed are included.

  • Disburse across all group members evenly.  The deposit is spread evenly based on the number of members in the group without regard to any f    olio balances.
  • Disburse across all group members based on balance due.  The deposit is distributed to each group member in the amount of the total balance due (Bal Due field) in order as they appear on the screen until the total amount of the deposit is gone.  This could result in only one or some reservations receiving the disbursement.
  • Disburse across all group members based on Individuals folio balance.  The deposit is distributed to each group member in the amount of the total balance due on the individual folio (Folio I field) in order as they appear on the screen until the total amount of the deposit is gone.  This could result in only one or some reservations receiving the disbursement.

    Note:  When not all members of the group have an individual folio balance, the option to disburse based on the individuals folio balance (third in the list) is disabled with a tool tip stating that members do not have individual folio balances.
  • Include group leader in disbursement.  Check this box when the leader reservation is a real person and not a leader reservation created simply for billing purposes ("dummy" group leader).
  • Exclude selected reservation in disbursement.  The reservation with the original deposit transaction is not included in the disbursement.  If this reservation is not the Leader reservation, then this reservation is included in disbursement by default unless the exclusion checkbox is checked.  If for some reason this reservation should not be included in the disbursement, check the “Exclude selected reservation in disbursement” so the selected reservation with the deposit does not receive any part of the disbursement amount.
The amount to be disbursed is changeable on the grid.  When no deposit is selected for disbursement, the amounts cannot be changed.  If there is a remaining amount, the remainder can be left on the originally selected reservation (the one with the original deposit.

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