Masters - Credit Card - Change

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Credit Card Master Functions


Change Transactions






Post Charges



Change Credit Card Master

Transaction codes are defined in the B4-Credit Card Company Ledger.  Credit card masters can only be added by RDP Support because of the credit card setup in Table CJ which specifies the starting digits and range of the credit card numbers for that specific credit card company.  If additional credit card masters are needed, contact RDP Support at (970) 845-7108.

Select a credit card master in Analysis and click Change in Navigation or double-click a credit card master in the Analysis grid.  When not viewing Analysis, select Change from the Masters | Credit Card main menu to display the Find Credit Card form.  Make the appropriate changes to any of the available tabs.  It is not necessary to save changes on each tab.  Click the Save button when all changes to a single credit card master are complete.  To abandon any changes prior to saving, click the Close button.  The system displays a warning before closing without saving. 

Tabs available when changing a credit master are: CC Detail, Comments, Notes, and Transactions

When viewing the Change form in Activity Vendors, click the printer icon to print the screen as displayed (including the tab displayed and active).


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