Masters - Find Credit Card Masters

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Credit Card Master Functions


Change Transactions






Post Charges



Find Credit Card Masters

Click Find from the Navigation page, the Credit Card main menu, or Navigation if already viewing the Credit Card Analysis grid.  Search the credit card master records by Name, Credit Card#, or E-mail.  Enter nothing into the search fields and click a Find button to display all credit card masters.  Enter one letter or number into one of the search fields and click the corresponding Find button to display credit card masters in the grid and highlight the closest match based on the search field used such as name.  The resulting grid is sorted by the filter used in the search.  The sample screen below show the credit card masters were searched using the name field, so the grid is sorted alphabetically by name. 

If no credit card master is selected when any Navigation selection is made such as Change or Delete, the Find Credit Card screen opens and waits for search filters to be entered and the Find button clicked.

Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|)
See Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|) for assistance with moving through pages in the grid.


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