Masters - Credit Card Configuration

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Configure Credit Card Masters

If any configuration settings are directly connected to a system switch, that switch number is displayed on the Configuration screen.  If any configuration settings are directly connected to a system switch, that switch number is displayed on the Configuration screen.  Switches maintained on Configuration pages cannot be maintained from the main System | Switch Maintenance area.  In addition to settings for only travel agents, there is also an All Masters tab with settings that affect all master types.


Set levels of security required to view information on credit card masters and any credit card field throughout the system. 

Fence Level for Viewing Full Credit Card Numbers (Switch C1HIDECC)
Add or change the security level on the C1 subrecord "HIDECC" for displaying the full credit card numbers (set to 999 by default).  The fence level only needs to be set once for both DOS and Win.  If a user's power level is less than the number set in security, the user only sees the last five (5) digits of a credit card number to insure personal information security.  If a user's power level is equal to or greater than the fence level, all digits of credit card numbers are visible.  For example, with a fence level of 101, all users with security access up to 100 only see the final four digits.  Users with 101 and higher can view the entire account number.
Encrypt Critical Credit Card Data
Credit card information can be completely encrypted within the system.  Check the "Encrypt Critical Credit Card Data" box to open a new screen with a long list of warnings.  All RDP Support and Sales should read the warnings thoroughly.  Encryption is not reversible.  Once encrypted, the information is always encrypted.  See Encryption Details for more information.

What Happens to Credit Card Information After Process is Clicked?
  1. All credit card interface log files are deleted.
  2. All credit card numbers, expiration date, and card type fields are cleared on all the guest history masters and credit card data will no longer be stored in guest history once encryption is complete.
  3. All credit card numbers found on reservations are masked. The credit card data on non-historical reservations are saved to the encrypted file. Historical reservations with a departure date within the Days to retain credit card data in history after departure interval have the credit card data stored in the encrypted file. Credit card data on historical reservations with a departure dates prior to the Days to retain credit card data in history after departure setting is not saved to the encrypted file.
  4. All credit card numbers found on transactions are masked. The credit card data on non-historical reservation related transactions are saved to the encrypted file. All other credit card data on both current and historical transactions is saved based on the Days to retain credit card data in history after departure setting in relation to the transaction date.
  5. Notes on transactions (which are used to reprint credit card receipts) are changed so the credit card number is masked.
Days to Retain Credit Card Data in History After Departure
Credit card numbers can be attached to either reservations or transactions (as payments and refunds). Once credit card data has been encrypted, retention is based on this setting.  When the day is closed, the system calculates a Retention Date by subtracting the retention days setting from the new RDP system date. The system searches for all credit card numbers that are older than the retention date.  If the number is from a non-reservation transaction (example: payment from owners or groups), the credit card is purged from the system.  For reservation-related transactions, the credit card number is purged if the transaction is no longer in the active transaction (non-historical) file. For credit card numbers attached directly to reservations, the numbers are purged if the reservation can not be found in the active reservation (non-historical) file.  After the full credit card number is purged from the encrypted file, the masked version remains on either the reservation or the transaction or both.

Save & Close, Save, Reset, and Close

Click here for instruction on how to Save, Reset, and Close forms.


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