Masters - Credit Card Company - Tabs


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Credit Card Tabs

CCard Detail

Contact Detail




Credit Card Master Functions


Change Transactions






Post Charges



View Transactions

Tabs Available for Credit Cards

The basic master information on all types of masters are similar.  Each master type has different tabs available where appropriate.  Review this list for tabs available to each master type.  Click any links for details on specific tabs.  As shown in the sample Agent Master below, tabs outlined in color hold master-specific information.  In this case, the Mastercard master has recorded transactions in the system.

Contact Detail Tab

Credit Card#
The credit card number is an 8-character, alphanumeric field that uniquely identifies each credit card master.
Entered By
When a credit card master is added to the database, this field is stamped by the system to identify the logon name of the user who entered the information.
Enter the company name of the credit card master using any 24 alphanumeric characters (such as American Express, VISA, etc.).
Entry Date
When a credit card master is added, this field is stamped by the system to identify the system date when the information was entered.
Address 1 and 2
Enter the street (mailing) address of the credit card company using any 24 alphanumeric characters.
Enter the city where the credit card company is located using any 16 alphanumeric characters.
Select the state where the credit card company is located using the drop-down list.  When the first letter of the desired state is typed in to the field directly, the system searches the CB table and displays the closest match.  Once a state is displayed in this field, use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list individually without using the mouse.
Enter the Zip Code using any 10 alphanumeric characters prior to the City and State fields for the system to automatically fill in those fields for the user.  Letters are allowed for Canadian and European addresses. 
Select the country where the credit card company is located using the drop-down list.  When the first letter of the desired country is typed in to the field directly, the system searches and displays the closest match.  Once a country is displayed in this field, use the up and down arrows to scroll through the list individually without using the mouse.
Phone 1 and 2
Enter the telephone numbers of the credit card company using any 12 alphanumeric characters.  Formats allowed are 800/555-1212, 800-555-1212, 8005551212, and 011945551212.
Enter the email address of the credit card company using any 40 alphanumeric characters.  The system recognizes that an e-mail address must contain the "@" symbol and displays an error when not entered.
External Documents - T2 Module Required 
This link allows external files to be attached to the credit card master. Use this feature to attach detailed information about the credit card master. The following file types are supported: Txt, Doc, Docx, Htm, Html, Xls, Jpg, Bmp, Gif, and more. The documents can be viewed as long as the workstation has the application installed that displays that file extension.
To attach a file, save it to the \RDP\RDP<xx>\MasterDocs\CreditCard folder, using the credit card master number as the file name. For example, if the file created was for AMEX, the file and location would be \RDP\RDP01\MasterDocs\CreditCard\AMEX.doc (the file extension will change based on the program it was created in).
If the file does not exist, the following error message will appear with the file path location when the link is clicked. Note: The file location will display the UNC path, however, the file can be saved to the RDP drive (usually R:\ or F:\).
Pictures - T2 Module Required 
This link allows external pictures to be attached to the credit card master. The following file types are supported: Txt, Doc, Docx, Htm, Html, Xls, Jpg, Bmp, Gif, and more. The pictures can be viewed as long as the workstation has the application installed that displays that file extension.
To attach a picture, save it to the \RDP\RDP<xx>\MasterPics\Credit Card folder, using the credit card master number as the file name. For example, if the file created was for AMEX, the file and location would be \RDP\RDP01\MasterPics\CreditCard\AMEX.jpg.
If the file does not exist, the following error message will display showing the file path location when the link is clicked. Note: The file location will display the UNC path, however, the file can be saved to the RDP drive (usually R:\ or F:\).
Note: The External Documents and Pictures feature requires the T2 Module. For more information about this module, contact RDP Sales.

Card Detail Tab

Merchant Number (Standard)
Enter the property's merchant number for this specific credit card company.
Merchant Number (Alternate)
Since a deposit is actually a liability until the credit card company checks in, a property could have a separate account set up for processing deposit transactions.  Upon check-in, the deposit becomes a receivable.  Credit card companies can assign a different merchant number for properties with an advanced deposit account. 
Merchant Number (Internet)
When there is an Internet Merchant Number and Terminal ID on the credit card master, IRM.Net uses the Internet Merchant Number and ID with the eCommerce fields.  If not, the Standard Merchant Number and Terminal ID are used with the Lodging fields. 
Terminal ID (Standard)
Displays the identification number of the terminal where the credit card transaction was actually processed.
Terminal ID (Alternate)
If a property has an Advanced Deposit Merchant Number, the system can track the terminal identification with an Advanced Deposit Terminal ID.
Terminal ID (Internet)
If a property has an Internet Merchant Number, the system can track the terminal identification with an Terminal ID. 
Owner Credit Card Fee
To split any applicable credit card fees between the management company and owners, set Switch 420-14 to Even (for an 50/50 split between owner and management), Split (for the same split used for revenue processing), Owner (owner pays entire credit card fee), or Management (management pays entire credit card fee).    Switches can be changed from System | Switches in the main menu. 
Enter the percent for which to charge owners for credit card payments made. This transaction is generated during the Process Revenue program. Credit Card payments taken for reservations in an owner's room will be included and charged to the owner based on this percent.
Flat Fee
Enter an amount to charge owners a flat fee amount in addition to the credit card fee percentage for each credit card transaction. For example, Visa cards payment include a 3.4% credit card fee to owners plus a $.10 flat fee per transaction. On a $100 Visa credit card payment, the credit card fee is $3.40 + $.10 for a total of $3.50 charged to the owner based on the owner payment split.
Block From IRM
When checked, the selected Vendor is not visible on the IRM list of Vendors. 
When unchecked, the property collects credit card receipts and sends them to a credit card company for reimbursement.  The processed amount is considered a receivable.  When the credit card company submits payment, the commission has already been taken out.

When checked and the property uses phone or internet access to process credit cards, the credit card company transfers the amount processed directly into the property's account.  The property treats the credit card as cash and consider it deposited into the bank account each day.  The Payment option is not available to the credit card master when this box is checked.
Credit card statements are not normally used if credit cards are authorized via the phone or Internet.  If a credit card company statement should reflect all "open" reservations (those with a balance), select the Open Item radio button.  If the statement should reflect the amount due at the end of the last billing period plus all new activity, select the Balance Forward radio button.  Most properties use the open item statement, because it does not lose any detail from month to month.
Generate Check if Balance Due
If checked, when balance forward statements are printed and closed on the Credit Card Master menu, the system generates a check to the credit card company for any amount due.  If not checked, the system does not generate a check.

Comments Tab

The six comment fields can be customized to the property's needs.  Information tracked in these fields might include billing arrangements or record keeping policies.  The Comment label descriptions and length detail can be managed and reviewed using System Comment Labels by setting the Type of Master drop-down to Credit Card.

Notes Tab

Any free text entries pertaining to the selected master are displayed in this section.

Transaction Tab

Display a grid with complete transaction history for the selected credit card master, as well as a tally of the charges for current the period.  Click the Post Charge button to open the Post Charge form or Change to access the Change/Reverse Charges form.  Fields displayed on this tab are transaction date, transaction code, description, price, quantity, charge, tax, total, no print, and running balance.  Check the Display All Transactions box to display all historical transactions for the selected master (time consuming).  When not checked, filter the display by selecting a Starting Date or the Number of Days and click Display.

Post Charge
Click to open the Post Charge screen for credit card masters.
Click to open the Change/Reverse Charges screen for credit card masters.
Reset Balances
Click Reset Balances to read all the transactions, reset the running balance, and use the last running balance as the correct balance due. The stored balance due on the master is set to this correct balance due.  The open balance transactions are retrieved and summed.  If the open balance total does not match the correct balance due, then the last transaction’s open balance is adjusted.  This makes the open balance, stored balance on the master, and the running balance amount on the last transaction match.
Hide "No Prints"
When checked, all transactions marked in the "NoPrt" column are not displayed.  When unchecked, all transactions (regardless of print status) are displayed in the grid.
Starting Date
When "Display All Transactions" is not checked, select the Starting Date and set the Number of Days field to display a range of transactions.  This works as a sub-filter of the Display Options.  For example, select Running Balance, set the Starting Date to 01/29/98, and Number of Days to 30 to display all running balance transactions between January 29th and February 28th.  With the same settings, set Number of Days to 29 to view only running balance transactions between January 29th and February 27th.
Number of Days
Display transactions for a specific date range by entering the Starting Date and setting the Number of Days field.
Display All Transactions
Display All Transactions: Check to display all transactions without regard to Starting Date or Number of Days settings.  Checking this box still allows for the Running Balance, Open Balance, and 1099 Adjustment filters to be considered.
Columns on the Transaction tab now include Aging for open balances detail for 1-30, 31-60, 61-90, 91-120, and greater than 120 days.
Recent Reset
Each time the transaction tab is displayed in any of the masters, the system does a "Recent Reset" of the balances. The process is the same as the Reset Balances button, except the running balances are reset only from the last closed statement.  In this case, the running balance on the last closed statement marker (D@) is assumed to be true and the process is much quicker.  This reset of balances also takes place for these masters (1) before and after a payment is taken, (2) before and after a charge is posted, and (3) before a statement is reviewed/finalized.
No Print#
This column contains the "no-print offsetting transaction sequence number" and makes tracking which transaction a reversal transaction is associated with much easier.  This column also displays on Change Transactions and View Transactions screens.

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