Reporter - Configuration - General Configuration Tab


Select the General tab from Reporter Configuration change the default confirmation folder and warning system. The General and E-Mail Configuration tabs is saved system-wide.  Confirmation configurations are saved for each resort, so the settings for Resort 01 will be different than Resort 02.  Configuration can be accessed using the Reporter main menu, the Navigation page, or the System Configuration menu.  There are four tabs for Reporter Configuration: General, E-Mail, Confirmation Settings, and Confirmation Associations

Default Confirmation Folder
To set the default folder for all confirmation reports, enter the path into the dialog box on the General tab.  Click the Browse to locate the appropriate folder, then double-click that folder to automatically populate the folder path into the dialog box.  The default setting is 'RDPNT/RDP/Reports10/Confirmations'.
E-Mail Confirmation Behavior - Warn When Confirmation Tabs Change
When checked, this allows for warnings when sending manual e-mails using Reporter | E-mail | Confirmations or any of the master e-mails available: Groups, Guests, Owners, or Agents .  If a different tab than the one selected is clicked before actually sending the e-mail, a warning is displayed.  For example, if on the E-Mail Confirmation By Change Date tab and the E-Mail Confirmation By Arrival tab is selected without sending the Change Date e-mail, a warning "This will clear the subject, body, attachments and recipient list.  Proceed?" appears.  The system requires a Yes or No answer before switching to the newly selected tab.

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