Masters - Overview

Click here for Master Tutorials


The Masters section allows the viewing of rooms, travel agents, group masters, guest history, condominium/home owners and vendors for activities and work orders.  The abilities to add, change, and analyze masters are also available.  Masters with receivables (such as owners) allow charges to be posted, payments to be applied, and statements to be billed.


Activity Vendor Masters

Agent Masters


Credit Card Masters

Group Masters (Module R2 Required)

Guest History Masters

Owner Masters (Module R3 Required)

Room Masters

Travel Agent Masters

Work Order Vendor Masters (Module RZ Required)

Save & Close, Save, Reset, and Close

It is only necessary to save changes before switching tabs when in configuration.  Otherwise, change any or all tabs within Masters and save only once; however, saving at anytime is available. The Save & Close button saves the changes and closes the form.  The Save button files changes and keeps the form open.  Reset restores the settings to those most recently saved and abandons any unsaved changes.  Close prompts before exiting without saving changed settings (if any were made) and closes the form.

External Documents and Pictures

All masters have two links located below the contact detail for External Documents and Pictures. Use these to associate external files with the master, such as a picture of each unit. These links are available for owners, guest history, groups, travel agents, work order vendors, activity vendors, rooms, and credit cards.

The following file extensions are supported: Txt, Doc, Docx, Xls, Htm, Html, Jpg, Bmp, and Gif. The documents and pictures will display as long as the workstation has the application installed that displays that file extension.

To attach a file, save it to \RDP\RDP<xx>\MasterDocs\<MasterType> folder, using the master number as the file name. For example, if the file created was for the group master IBM for the RDP01 directory, the file and location would be \RDP\RDP01\MasterDocs\Group\IBM.doc (the file extension will change based on the program it was created).

If more than document is needed for the master, enter the master number followed by 1, 2, 3, etc. For example, for room 101, enter the file name as 101-1, 101-2, 101-3, and a prompt appears allowing the different files to be selected.

To attach a picture, save it to \RDP\RDP<xx>\MasterPics\<MasterType> folder, using the master number as the file name. For example, if the file created was for the owner master 101A, the file and location would be \RDP\RDP01\MasterPics\Owner\101A.jpg.

If more than picture is needed for the master, enter the master number followed by 1, 2, 3, etc. For example, for room 101, enter the file name as 101-1, 101-2, 101-3, and a prompt appears allowing the different pictures to be selected.

Note: This feature requires the T2 Module. For more information about this module, contact RDP Sales.

How To - Masters

See the How To section to detailed instructions on how to do some of the more common tasks in RDPWin.


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