Credit Card Masters


Click here for Master Tutorials

Credit Card Master Functions


Change Transactions






Post Charges



View Transactions


For properties using credit card processors, use credit card master to manage multiple credit companies.  An credit card master holds the contact, merchant, and fee information.  A credit card master must exist prior to adding a credit card payment to a reservation. 

When a function is selected without first selecting a credit card master from Analysis, the Find form opens and requires selection.  Once selected, the requested function form displays with the credit card master selected in the grid displayed behind (for example, Amex is displayed in Analysis and the Change form opens with the Amex information ready for updates.  Once saved, the Change form closes and the user is returned to Analysis, still showing the Amex credit card master selected in the grid.  When the Analysis is already in the main panel, the navigation options (like change, post charge,…) operate on the credit card selected from Analysis. 

Overview - Marketing
Click the menu link to access RDP's website and view the marketing information available for RDP's Southern DataComm Credit Card Interface.
Overview - Technical
Click the menu link to access RDPWin's Credit Card information available in Help.


Disable All Credit Card Fields in RDP-DOS and RDPWin (416-09)
When checked, the RDPWin and RDP-DOS systems restrict the adding of credit cards and allows deletion of all credit card information from the property's database.

The modifications to RDPWin are complete; however the update to RDP-DOS is still in process.  When Switch 416-09 is checked, any credit card information from within RDPWin and RDP-DOS are no longer stored.

In RDPWin, Switch 416-09 does the following:
  • Payment screen: Removes the Credit Card radio button and defaults to cash.
  • Payment screen: Removes the credit card information panel.
  • Refund screen: Removes the Credit Card radio button and defaults to cash.
  • Guest History Add/Change screen: Removes the credit card fields.
  • Reservation Change screen: Disables all credit card related fields.
  • Reservation Tabs: Removes the Credit Card tab.

In RDP-DOS, Switch 416-09 does the following:
  • Payment screen: Removes the credit card option.
  • Guest History Add/Change screen: Restricts access to credit card fields
  • Reservation Change screen: In future version, access to the credit card fields may be restricted.  If not, then the save process will always skip saving credit card information.

Save & Close, Save, and Close

Click here for instruction on how to Save and Close forms.


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