Masters - Activity Vendors - Add


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Activity Vendor Functions

Activity Schedule








There are many steps and pieces of information that can be filed on the activity vendor record.  The steps below should be used as an example and vary greatly for every property using RDPWin.

  1. Select Add from the Masters | Activity Vendors submenu.
  2. Enter a unique number in the Vendor # field.
  3. Enter a unique name in the Name field.
  4. Select the Vendor Type on the Vendor Detail tab.
  5. Since these are the only required fields, click Save.  If more details are available, continue to enter information until satisfied and save.
  6. Enter the contact information for the activity vendor.
  7. Complete as many fields on the Vendor Detail tab as possible. 
  8. Is the Vendor hourly or an "all-day" activity vendor?
  9. If hourly, start and end times are needed as well as schedule intervals.
  10. Should the Vendor be available on IRM.Net?
  11. How many people per ticket?  How many tickets per activity?


Click Add from the Masters | Activity Vendors main menu or from Navigation when viewing the Activity Vendor Analysis.  Enter the required information for Vendor# and Name.  The number up to eight (8) alphanumeric characters.  DO NOT use spaces in the number for any masters, since reports do not sort properly when master numbers have spaces.  Most properties use abbreviations of the vendor name for the vendor number.  

Tabs available when adding an activity vendor master are: Vendor Detail, Activities, Comments, Notes, and Changes (Module S7 Change Tracking Required).
When viewing the Add form in Activity Vendors, click the printer icon to print the screen as displayed (including the tab displayed and active).


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