Masters - Find Guest History Masters

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Find Guest History Masters

Click Find from the Navigation page, the Guest History master main menu, or Navigation when viewing the the Analysis grid to open the Find Guest screen.  Search by Name, Guest#, E-mail, and CRM#.  Click any of the Find buttons without entering any parameters to guest history masters in a grid.  Use the paging buttons to page through the list.  Enter a letter or number in any of the four search parameter fields and click the associated Find button to display guest history masters in the grid with the closest match highlighted in the the Analysis grid.  Click Select to display that record in the Analysis grid alone.  To view all guest history masters in the Analysis grid again, click the Analysis link in Navigation.

When Change or Delete is clicked from Navigation without a specific guest selected in the grid, the Find Guest screen opens to allow selection.  Once selected, the Change or Delete screen opens for that guest history record.

Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|)
See Start (|<), Previous (<), Next (>), and End (>|) for assistance with moving through pages in the grid.
Sort Order
The order in which the guest history masters in the grid are displayed is identified.

To search by name, enter one, some, all, or no characters and click Find  (associated with the Name field) to display the guest history master(s) with the requested or closest matched name.  The grid displays the guest history records alphabetically by name when.
To search by name, enter one, some, all, or no characters and click Find (associated with the Guest# field) to display the guest history master(s) with the requested or closest matched number.  The grid displays the guest history records alphabetically by guest history number.
To search by e-mail address, enter one, some, all, or no characters and click Find (associated with the Guest# field) to display the guest history master(s) with the requested or closest matched address.  The grid displays the guest history records alphabetically by e-mail address.
To search by CRM#, enter one, some, all, or no characters and click Find (associated with the Guest# field) to display the guest history master(s) with the requested or closest matched CRM number.  The grid displays the guest history records alphabetically by CRM#.


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