System - GDS Rate Plan Configuration

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GDS Expedia
 Interface Topics




Configuration Tabs for GDS Provider Partners

Expedia Configuration Tab




GDS Room Types

GDS Rate Plans

Exchange Rate

2-way Interface Website Information

Expedia 2-Way

SynXis 2-Way

InnTopia 2-Way

InnLink 2-Way

GDS Rate Plans

Once all all the GDS room types are entered, select the GDS Rate Plans tab to configure the GDS rate plans and cross reference them a RDP rate plan.  Click the Add GDS Rate Plan button to create a new row in the grid. Enter the GDS rate plan and select the RDP rate from the Rate Plan drop-down.  All other information is optional.

Add GDS Rate Plan
Click the Add GDS Rate Plan button to create a new row in the grid. Enter the GDS rate plan and select the RDP rate from the Rate Plan drop-down.
Select a row in the grid and click the Delete button to remove the rate plan from the list.  Confirmation is required.  Deletion is also allowed from the right-click menu.
GDS Rate Plan
Identify the rate plan used by the GDS provider.
Rate Plan
Select the RDPWin rate plan from the drop-down to tell the system which GDS rate plan is linked to this RDPWin rate plan.  For example, SynXis may reference a spring time rate; which in turn is the same as the 10% discount configured in RDPWin (as shown in the first row of the sample above).
Agent 1 and 2
The Agent 1 and Agent 2 fields are used to set the Pay Code for the travel agent when one exists on the reservation.  Select a pay code for each rate plan to configure which commission rate should be used when an agent exists on a GDS group reservation.
Exclude Daily Charges
When checked, the daily charges are not calculated the for the reservation.
Folio A Pay Code
Shown only when Res | Configuration | Use Folio AB is checked, select the Pay Code for the GDS reservation.
Available only when Use "House" Block for Availability is checked on the SynXis Hotel Info tab, assign a specific rate plan to a specific group.  In addition to adding the GDS Rate Plan using the fields listed above, select the group for which the rate plan is to be assigned.  When that group makes a reservation using the GDS Interface, the selected rate plan is automatically assigned.

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