Tutorial - Reservations - Check-Out

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Check Out Individual Reservation with a Balance Due

Check Out an Individual Group Member EARLY with an Outstanding Balance

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down.  It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked.  If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.

Check Out Individual Reservation with a Balance Due.

Note: Administrators can set a password for checking out reservations with a balance due.  The system prompts for a password before allowing reservations with a balance due to be checked out when a password is configured.  Once security is completely set within the system, this option will not be visible to those without the appropriate access. 

  1. Click the "F8 Departures" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check out on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Highlight Reservation 292 (Cleaver/Ward) in the grid and click Check-Out from Options.
  3. Note: Since this reservation has a Balance Due of $201.06 (as shown on the Charge Summary tab), Credit Card selected as the method of payment, and a card number on file, a payment is automatically processed when the Check-Out button is clicked.

  4. Since we're testing, the Protobase interface should not be accessed.  Check the Voice/Auth checkbox.

    Note:  Checking the Voice/Authcheckbox disables the CID field and enables the Auth# field.  If the Check-Out button is clicked before processing payment on a reservation with an outstanding balance and no credit card is in the system, the system prompts with "Swipe the credit card or enter a credit card number from the keyboard."

  5. Enter 12345 as the Auth# (a required field).
  6. Click the Process Payment button to process the Total Balance Due of $201.06.  Once complete, the balance due on Folio I reads No Money Due. Proceed to Check-Out.
  7. Click the Check-Out button.
  8. The system displays the "Check-Out Successful" message and folio totals for that reservation.  Any folios are available for selection and printing.  You most likely do not have access to a printer during demos, so click the Close button.
  9. The system displays a "Check-Out Successful" and displays options of where to go next. Select "This Res".
  10. Click the Folio tab in Res Details and view the "Guest Payment VISA" transaction in the amount of -$201.06.
  11. Click Start from the main menu.

Check Out an Individual Group Member EARLY with an Outstanding Balance.

  1. Click Reservations -> Find Res from the main menu.
  2. Enter "82" (Nesmith/Michael) in the Guest Name/Reservation Number field and click the associated Find button.
  3. Click Select.
  4. Click the Folio tab and see that the 03/01/98 transaction "20% Group Discount" is marked with a "*" in the Pre column.  This charge has not been posted and will drop off.
  5. Click Check-Out from Options.
  6. Since this reservation is not scheduled to check-out until the following day, the system prompts with "Change Departure to Today's Date?".  Click Yes.
  7. The system prompts with "Post today's room charge?".  Click No.  If yes, the system would prompt "Enter room charge for today" with the daily room rate of $80 already filled in.
  8. Folio I has a balance of $120 and the Payment radio button is already selected.  Click the Cash radio button. 
  9. The Amount ($120.00) is already filled in.  Since this reservation is part of a group and some charges are being paid by the Group Leader, notice the "Balance Due" of $642.16 and the "Transfer to Leader 78" amount of $522.16 (the Balance Due less the Folio I Balance of $120).
  10. Click "Process Payment".  Once complete, the balance due on Folio I reads No Money Due. Proceed to Check-Out.
  11. Click the Check-Out button.  The Group Leader Folio items for Res# 82 are transferred to the Group Leader 78 reservation.
  12. The system displays the "Check-Out Successful" message and folio totals for the group.  Folios can be printed from this screen either as "One Folio with All Charges" or "All Folios with Activity".  You most likely do not have access to a printer during demos, so click the Close button.
  13. The system displays a "Check-Out Successful" message and asks where to go next.  Select "Find Res".
  14. Enter "Monkees" in the Guest Name or Reservation Number box and click the associated Find button.
  15. Select the LEADER reservation (No. 78) in the grid.
  16. Click the Folio tab in Res Details and view the charge "From Nesmith/Mich Res#82" in the amount of $522.16 appears as a preposted charge on 03/01/98 on Folio I.
  17. Click Start from the main menu.

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