Tutorial - Reservations - Mass Check-In and Check-Out

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Check In All Reservations w/o Balance Due

Check In All Reservations With or w/o Balance Due

Check In All Regardless of Balance and/or Clean Status

Check Out All Reservations w/o Balance Due

Check Out All Reservations With or w/o Balance Due

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down.  It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked.  If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.

Check In All Arrivals Without Balance Due

  1. Select Configuration from the Reservations menu.
  2. Select the Check-In tab.
  3. Confirm that the "Enable Mass Check-In" box is checked.  Uncheck all other options in the "Mass Check-In" section of the Check-In tab.
  4. Click "Save & Close".
  5. Click the "F6 Arrivals" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check in on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  6. Select Mass Check-In from Options.  The system prompts with "About to the check in ALL arriving guests for today.  Continue?".
  7. Click Yes.  The "Check-In All Arriving Guests" displays the progress of check-in.  Any reservations with no room assigned, a balance due, room not ready, or InActive Itineraries are not checked in.  Notice that the Reservation Status of each reservation without a balance due and an assigned, clean, available room is now "Checked-In".  Total Guests Skipped represents the total number of Arrivals with issues that must be addressed before check-in such as room assignment.
  8. Click the Close button to return to the Arrivals screen.

Check In All Reservations With or Without a Balance Due

  1. Select Configuration from the Reservations menu.
  2. Click the Check-In tab.
  3. Confirm that the "Enable Check-In All Arrivals" box is checked. 
  4. Check the "Include Reservations with Balance Due in Mass Check-In" box.  Only the "Enable Check-In All Arrivals" and "Include Reservations with balance due" options should be checked in the "Check-In All Arrivals" section of the Check-In tab for purposes of this tutorial.
  5. Click "Save & Close".
  6. Click the "F6 Arrivals" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check in on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  7. Click Mass Check-In from Options.  The system prompts with "About to the check in ALL arriving guests for today.  Continue?".
  8. Click Yes.  The Check-In All Arriving Guests screen appears.  Any reservations with no room assigned, room not ready, or InActive Itineraries are not checked in.   Notice that the Reservation Status of each reservation with or without a balance due and an assigned, clean, available room is now Checked-In.  Total Guests Skipped represents the total number of Arrivals that have either a dirty or occupied room, no room at all, or an inactive itinerary.  Those with a reservation status of "Room Number Not Assigned" must be assigned to available rooms before they can be checked in.
  9. Click the Close button to return to the Arrivals screen.

Allow Reservations to be Checked into Dirty Rooms

  1. Select Configuration from the Reservations menu.
  2. Click the Check-In tab.
  3. Confirm that the "Enable Check-In All Arrivals" and "Include Reservations with Balance Due" boxes are checked. 
  4. Check the "Allow reservations to be checked into rooms marked dirty" box (Switch 423-03).
  5. Click the "Save & Close" button.
  6. Click the "F6 Arrivals" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check in on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  7. Click Mass Check-In from Options.  The system prompts with "About to the check in ALL arriving guests for today.  Continue?".
  8. Click Yes.  The "Check-In All Arriving Guests" screen appears.  Any reservations with an inactive itinerary or without a room number are not checked in.  Reservations with balance due and assigned to dirty rooms are checked in.  Those without room numbers or available rooms display Status in red.  Guests Skipped represents the total number of Arrivals that have no available room, room number, or an inactive itinerary.  Those with a reservation status of "Room Number Not Assigned" must be assigned to available rooms before they can be checked in.
  9. Click the Close button to return to the Arrivals screen.

Check Out All Reservations in the Departures List With Zero Balance Due

  1. Select Configuration from the Reservations menu.
  2. Click the Check-Out tab.
  3. Check the "Enable Check-Out All Departures" box.  Confirm no other Mass Check-Out boxes are checked at this time.
  4. Click "Save & Close".
  5. Click the "F8 Departures" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check out on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  6. Highlight any reservation in the grid.
  7. Click Mass Check-Out from Options. 
  8. At the prompt "About to the check-out ALL departing guests for today.  Continue?", click Yes.  The "Check-Out All Departing Guests" screen displays the progress.  Any reservations with a balance due are not checked out.  Notice that the Reservation Status of each reservation without a balance due is now Checked Out.
  9. Click the Close button to return to the Departures screen.

Check Out All Reservations in the Departures List With or Without a Balance Due

  1. Select Configuration from the Reservations menu.
  2. Click the Check-Out tab.
  3. Confirm the "Enable Check-Out All Departures" box is checked.  Check the "Include reservations with balance due in Mass Check-Out".  Confirm only those two Mass Check-Out boxes are checked.
  4. Click "Save & Close".
  5. Click the "F8 Departures" button in the system toolbar to view all reservations scheduled to check out on the current system date.  If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  6. Select Mass Check-Out from Options. 
  7. At the prompt "About to the check-out ALL departing guests for today.  Continue?", click Yes.  The Check-Out All Departing Guests screen displays the progress and any reservations with or without a balance due are checked out.
  8. Click Close.

Note:  N/R (Non-Rental) Room Types can be included in this process by checking the Include N/R Room Types in Check-Out All Departures option on the Reservations - Configuration - Check-Out tab.  N/R rooms are used by some properties to track bicycles, golf carts, or even conference rooms.

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