Tutorial - Reservations - Cancel Individual Reservation

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Cancel an Individual Reservation with a Zero Balance

Cancel an Individual Reservation with a Deposit on File

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down.  It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked.  If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.

Cancel a Future Reservation with a Zero Balance

  1. Click Reservations on the main menu.
  2. Click Find Res from Options.
  3. Select Future in the Reservation Status drop-down list.
  4. Enter 175 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" text box.
  5. Click the associated Find button to search for Reservation Number 175 (Abbott/Bud).  The system displays the requested (or nearest match) reservation. 
  6. Click Select or press <Enter> to display Mr. Abbot's reservation and detail.
  7. Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.

  8. Click Cancel in Options to open the Cancel Reservation screen.  The Cancellation Number is automatically assigned.
  9. Enter "Trip postponed indefinitely" into the Cancellation Reason text box.  This is a mandatory field.
  10. Note:  Click the Close button to return to the Guest Information screen without canceling the reservation.

  11. Click the Save button.
  12. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays several options of where to go next.  Click "This Res".
  13. On the Res Detail tab, the Reservation Status is "P9: Preassign - CANCEL".   The "Last Chg By" field displays the user's logon and stamps the current system date.
  14. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Cancel a Future Reservation with a Deposit on File

  1. If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Click the "F3 Find Res" button in the system toolbar.
  3. Enter 296 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" box.
  4. Click the associated Find button to search for Reservation Number 296 (Seymore/Jane).  The system displays the requested (or nearest match) reservation. 

    Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.

  5. Click Select or press <Enter> to display Ms. Seymore's reservation and detail.
  6. Click Cancel from Options.  The Cancellation Number is automatically assigned.
  7. Note:  Since this reservation has a deposit on file, the expanded Cancel Reservation is displayed.  The Deposit, Refund, and Forfeit amounts are displayed under the grid (which displays deposits made).

  8. Select Check as the Refund Type.  The Refund Amount (total deposit less any forfeited or held amounts based on rules) is already in the Amount box.
  9. Note:  During the normal course of use, check the "Place check in print queue" box.  For this tutorial, assume a printer is not available and do not check the "Place check in print queue" box.  Notice: Once the refund amount is entered into the text box, the system automatically updates the Refund and Forfeit amounts.

  10. Enter "Child ill" into the Cancellation Reason text box.  This is a mandatory field.
  11. Click the Save button to display the Cancel Reservation confirmation.
  12. Click Yes to continue with the cancellation process.
  13. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays several options of where to go next.  Click "This Res".
  14. On the Res Detail tab, the Reservation Status is "Preassign - CANCEL".   The Last Chg By field displays the user's logon and stamps the current date.
  15. Click the Start option from the main menu.

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