Tutorial - Reservations - Cancel Group Leader, Group Member, or an Entire Group

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Cancel a Group Leader Reservation

Cancel a Group Member Reservation

Cancel an Entire Group

Cancel an Entire Group and Issue Refund

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down.  It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked.  If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.

Cancel a Group Leader Reservation

  1. If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Click the "F3 Find Res" button in the system toolbar.
  3. Enter 188 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" box.
  4. Click the associated Find button to search for Reservation Number 188 (Tauck, Leader of Tauck Tours).  The system displays the group information (scroll to view, if necessary) with Reservation Details displayed below.
  5. Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.

  6. Click Select or press the <Enter> key.
  7. Click Cancel from Options.  The system prompts with, "Cancel Entire Group or Group Leader?" and waits for a response.
  8. Select the Leader button.  The system recognizes that Group Member reservations still exist and displays the Select New Group Leader screen.  Each reservation within the group is displayed in this screen sorted by Res#.
  9. Highlight Reservation Number 197.  The New Group Leader information is displayed at the bottom of the screen.  In this case, the New Group Leader listed is 197 Tauck Tours.
  10. Click Select. The system assigns Reservation 197 as the new Group Leader, displays the Cancel Reservation screen, and automatically assigns a Cancellation Number.
  11. Enter "Travel conflict" as the Cancellation Reason.  This is a mandatory field.
  12. Click the Save button.
  13. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays options of where to go next.   Click "This Res".
  14. The Reservation Status is displayed on the Res. Detail tab as "M9: Multiple - CANCEL".  The "Last Chg By" field displays the user's logon and stamps the current system date.
  15. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Cancel a Group Member

  1. If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Click the "F3 Find Res" button in the system toolbar.
  3. Enter 193 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" text box.
  4. Click the Find button to search for Reservation Number 193 (Tauck Tours).  The system displays the group information (scroll to view, if necessary) with Reservation Details displayed below.
  5. Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.

  6. Click Select or press the <Enter> key.
  7. Click Cancel from Options. 
  8. Enter "Trip Cancelled" in the Cancellation Reason text box.  This is a mandatory field.
  9. Click the Save button. 
  10. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays options of where to go next.   Click "This Res".
  11. The Reservation Status is displayed on the Res. Detail tab as "P9: Preassign - CANCEL".  The "Last Chg By" field displays the user's logon and stamps the current system date.
  12. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Cancel an Entire Group

  1. If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Click the "F3 Find Res" button in the system toolbar.
  3. Enter 369 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" text box.
  4. Click the Find button to search for Reservation Number 369 (Boston Red Sox).  The system displays the group information (scroll to view, if necessary) with Reservation Details displayed below.
  5. Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.

  6. Click Select or press the <Enter> key.
  7. Click Cancel from Options.  The system prompts with, "Cancel Entire Group or Group Leader?" and waits for a response.
  8. Select the Group button.  The Cancel Reservation screen displays assigns the Cancellation Number (one number for all reservations within the group).
  9. Enter "Corporate Decision" into the Cancellation Reason box.  This is a mandatory field.
  10. Click the Save button. The Cancel Group screen opens and changes the Reservation Status to Cancelled for each reservation within the group.  If any reservations have been checked in or were previously cancelled, the appropriate Reservation Status displays in red.  The number of reservations processed is noted as well as any skipped (checked-in, deposit on file, or previously cancelled).  A reservation with a deposit on file cannot be cancelled until the deposit is refunded. 
  11. Note: To abandon the entire cancellation request, the Close button would be selected.

  12. Click the Close button. 
  13. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays options of where to go next.   Click "This Res".
  14. The Reservation Status for Res# 369 is "M9: Multiple - CANCEL".  The Status for any members is "I9: Inventory - CANCEL".  The Last Chg By field displays the user's logon and stamps the current date.
  15. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Cancel Group with Deposit and Issue Refund

  1. If the system toolbar is not visible, select System -> Configuration -> System Configuration from the main menu and uncheck all boxes in the Toolbar section.
  2. Click the "F3 Find Res" button in the system toolbar.
  3. Enter 302 into the "Guest Name or Reservation Number" text box.
  4. Click the Find button to search for Reservation Number 302 (Black Parrot).  The system displays the group information with Reservation Details displayed below.
  5. Note:  When searching by Reservation Number, if that exact number is not found, the grid displays the closest matches.  If no search parameters are entered in the Find Reservation form with Future is selected in Reservation Status, the system displays ALL future reservations in the grid and allows the user to page through and select reservations by double-clicking.
  6. Click Select or press the <Enter> key.
  7. Click Cancel from Options.  The system prompts with, "Cancel Entire Group or Group Leader?" and waits for a response.
  8. Select the Group button.  The Cancel Reservation screen displays assigns the Cancellation Number (one number for all reservations within the group).
  9. Enter "None offered" into the Cancellation Reason box.  This is a mandatory field.
  10. Since this reservation has a deposit on file, the "Choose Refund Option" Refund radio button is selected and the Default Refund amount is displayed.  Click the Check radio button to change the refund type from credit card to check.
  11. Change the Amount to 50.00 to update the Forfeit field with the 150.00 amount (due to late cancellation).  The refund details are updated: Deposit=$200, Refund=$50, Forfeit=$150, Held Deposit=0.00.  The grid is updated with a transaction displaying the forfeited deposit amount, and the Refund Amount is displayed at the bottom of the grid.
  12. Check the "Place check in print queue" box.  When checks are batched out, this check will be printed.
  13. Click the Save button. The "Cancel Group Members" screen opens and changes the Reservation Status to Cancelled for each member (in this case only one).  (Group Leader to be cancelled in the next step.)  If any reservations had been checked in or were previously cancelled, the appropriate Reservation Status displays in red.  The number of reservations processed is noted as well as any skipped (checked-in, deposit on file, or previously cancelled) at the bottom of the screen.  A reservation with a deposit on file cannot be cancelled until the deposit is refunded. 
  14. Click the Close button. 
  15. The system displays the "Cancel Reservation" confirmation notice and displays the deposit information.  Click Yes to continue with the cancellation of the leader reservation.
  16. The system displays "Cancellation Successful" and displays options of where to go next.   Click "This Res".
  17. The Reservation Status for Res# 302 is "M9: Multiple - CANCEL".  The Status for any members is "P9: Preassign - CANCEL".  The Last Chg By field displays the user's logon and stamps the current date.
  18. Click the Start option from the main menu.

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