Tutorial - Reservations - Check-In

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Check-In a Preassign Reservation from Arrivals

Check-In an Inventory Reservation from Arrivals

Take a Deposit at Check-In

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down.  It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked.  If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.

Check-In a Preassign Reservation from Arrivals

  1. Select Arrivals from the Reservations main menu to display all reservations scheduled to check in on the current system date.
  2. Click on the Res# header in the grid to sort by reservation number.
  3. Highlight Res# 185 (Birch/Kenny) in the grid.
  4. Click Check-In from Options.  Since this reservation has an Balance Due of $370.98 based on pre-posted charges, this amount is displayed to allow for credit card authorization.  A payment could also be taken using Deposit/Payment from Options.  The system zeros out room charges during the check-in process. 
  5. Click the Check-In button.  
  6. Note:  The Total Balance Due represents the charges that the property anticipates this reservation will incur during the stay (pre-posted), based on room rate, number of nights, itinerary, daily, and other charges arranged prior to arrival.  The property may choose to take a deposit or not, which allows the system to post charges during night audit procedures on a daily basis.  (See Take Deposit at Check-In.)

  7. The system displays "Check-In Successful" and displays options of where to go next.  Click "This Res" to view Reservation Number 185 (Birch, Kenny) is now a "P5: Preassign - Checked In" reservation.
  8. Click Start from the main menu.

Check-In an Inventory Reservation from Arrivals

  1. Select Arrivals from the Reservations main menu to display all reservations scheduled to check in on the current system date.
  2. Click on the Res# header in the grid to sort by reservation number.
  3. Highlight Res# 180 (Conway/Tim) in the grid.
  4. Click Check-In from Options.  Since this reservation does not have an assigned room number, the Available Rooms display and allow selection.
  5. Select Room#605 from the grid.  The "New or Old Rates?" screen displays the rates and rate plans from when the reservation was originally made (OLD) and current rates (NEW).  Deciding NEW vs. OLD should be based on policy.  For this tutorial, choose OLD.
  6. Since the reservation has an Balance Due of $184.00 based on pre-posted charges, this amount is displayed to allow for credit card authorization.  A payment could also be taken using Deposit/Payment from Options.  The system zeros out room charges during the check-in process.  Click the Check-In button.
  7. Note:  The Total Balance Due represents the charges that the property anticipates this reservation will incur during the stay (pre-posted), based on room rate, number of nights, itinerary, daily, and other charges arranged prior to arrival.  The property may choose to take a deposit or not, which allows the system to post charges during night audit procedures on a daily basis.  (See Take Deposit at Check-In.)

  8. The system displays "Check-In Successful" and displays options of where to go next.  Click "This Res" to view Reservation Number 180 (Conway/Tim) is now a "P5: Preassign - Checked In" reservation.
  9. Click Start from the main menu.

Take a Deposit at Check-In

  1. Select Find Res from Options to search for a specific reservation.
  2. Type in Reservation Number 278 (Seles/Monica).
  3. Click the Find button.  The system locates the reservation and displays it in the grid.
  4. Click Select.
  5. Click Check-In from the Options.  This reservation has a Balance Due in the amount of $717.65.
  6. Click the Payment radio button.
  7. Click the Credit Card radio button.  The amount due is automatically completed from the folio.  Type in a Credit Card Number 4500000000000000 into the Number text box.  As soon as any other field on the screen is accessed, the system verifies the credit card number.  Since 45 series doesn't exist, the system displays an error message: "Invalid Card Number - Check Digit Error" when hovering over the red circle with white exclamation point icon.
  8. Type in a Credit Card Number as 4200000000000000 into the Number text box.
  9. Enter 10/04 as the Exp. Date.  Since we're testing, the Protobase interface should not be accessed.  Check the Voice/Auth checkbox.  Checking the Manual checkbox also disables the CID field and enables the Auth# field.
  10. The system prompts with "Add payment to PBAdmin?".  Click No for the purpose of this tutorial.

    Note:  PBAdmin is software used by Protobase to process transaction.  When a property calls a credit card processor to get a voice authorization, the credit card payment must then be added to RDP and PBAdmin manually. If a credit card transaction is manually added to RDP, the system asks if it should also be added to PBAdmin.

  11. Enter 12345 as the Auth#, since this field is mandatory as indicated by the red circle with white exclamation point icon.
  12. Click "Process Payment".  Once complete, the balance due on Folio I reads No Money Due.
  13. Click the Check-In button.
  14. The system displays a "Check-In Successful" and displays options of where to go next.  Click "This Res".
  15. Click the Folio tab in Res Details and view the "Adv. Dep. Rcv. VISA" transaction in the amount of -$717.65.
  16. Click Start from the main menu.

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