Timeshare Owners - Check Timeshare Weeks

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Modules R3 Condominium Owner Accounting and R6 Timeshare & Interval Ownership are required.

Timeshare Topics

Add Contracts

Add Weeks

Change Contracts

Check Timeshare Weeks


Contracts Tab

Cross Reference Calendar

Dates Owned Tab

Expire Banked Weeks

Generate Weeks From Contracts

Global Post (Based on Contracts)

Owner Weeks Tab

Rental Weeks Assignment

Trade Weeks

Week Maintenance

Weeks Analysis


The "Check Timeshare Weeks" utility reviews and verifies the TCSWeeks file is set up correctly before generating the Owner Cross Reference File (Option 220 - 1 in DOS).  This utility can be used for such queries as identifying multiple owners owning the same week of a particular room and the number of weeks each room is owned.

Check for Duplicate Weeks
When checked, the system reviews all other variables and displays the weeks for each owner/room and displays information when duplication exists.  Checking the weeks across multiple years can affect this outcome as well.
Check Specific Year
For properties that use rotating weeks and this checkbox is not checked, the results will show weeks owned twice (or more) by the same owner.  For example, when no specific year is selected, duplicate weeks display because the system is looking at multiple years for the same room. To alleviate this issue, properties that rotate weeks should check this box to insure only one year is considered in the query.  , since it sees two Week 14s in the file for that room by ignoring the year.


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