System - Comments

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Comments are additional fields that a RDPWin user can use to track additional information about a particular procedure with-in the RDPWin system. Comment labels and values can be customized to aid in data entry.  Customizing the comment description is done through the Comment Labels located under the system menu. 

Changing the Behavior of the Drop-Down List

A tilde (~) sub-record is used to change the behavior of the drop-down list.  Entering a tilde sub-record with no description makes the selection of a value from the list optional, allowing the user to enter values that are not in the list.

Customizing Values

Customizing the value of a comment field allows the user to validate the information that is being entered into the comment value. This is done by either defining a list of values to pick from or by forcing the entry of a value type. Value types can be Date, Time, Date Time, Integer, Double, Currency, Phone, Social Security, Yes/No Options, Yes/No drop-down, and Checkbox.

To define a value list or value type, set-up a comment table for the comment field.  Use Table Maintenance to enter the table number to be created and the table below to determine the appropriate table number:

Comment Field Reservations & Guest Owners Rooms Travel Agents Vendor & Itinerary Work Orders & Work Order Vendors CRM Assets Contacts Timeshare
Comment 1 EF IA IM KA LA NJ T2 N2 O1 EV
Comment 2 EG IB IN KB LB NK T3 N3 O2 EW
Comment 3 EH IC IO KC LC NL T4 N4 O3 EX
Comment 4 E1 ID IP KD LD NM T5 N5 O4 EY
Comment 5 E2 IE IQ KE LE NN T6 N6 O5 EZ
Comment 6 E3 IF IR KF LF NO T7 N7 O6  
Comment 7 E4 IG IS KG LG NP T8 N8 O7  
Comment 8 E5 IH IT KH LH NQ T9 N9 O8  
Comment 9 E6 II IU KI LI NR TA NA O9  
Comment 10 E7 IJ IV KJ LJ NS TB NB OA  
Comment 11 E8 IK IW KK LK NT TC NC OB  
Comment 12 E9 IL IX KL LL NU TD ND OC  
Comment 13 EA       LM NV TE NE OD  
Comment 14 EB       LN NW TF NF OE  
Comment 15 EC       LO NX TG NG OF  
Comment 16 ED       LP NY TH NH OG  
Comment 17 EE       LQ NZ TI NI OH  

If you receive an “Invalid Table” error message, check to make sure you have entered the correct table number if you have, use the <ALT>+<C> combination to create the file.

Once the file has been created you can now start entering sub-records for the value list, if you are looking to define a value type see below.

Using Value Types:

To force the entry of a particular value type, add a tilde (~) sub-record to the table. In the description for the tilde sub-record, enter one of the following codes:

Code Min. Length Description
1 No Limit Type Text - This is the default for all fields and does not require the creation of a comment table.
2 2 Type Integer - Allows only entry of numeric values. Maximum value is determined by the size of the field
3 5 Type Double - Allows only entry of numeric values with a decimal value. Maximum value is determined by the size of the field
4 6 Type Currency - Allows only entry of currency values. Maximum value is determined by the size of the field
5 3 Type Yes/No drop-down - Allows user to select only yes or no from a drop-down, selection of a value is optional.
6 3 Type Yes/No Option - Allows user to select only yes or no options.
7 10 Type Date - Allows user to only entry valid date values.
8 8 Type Time - Allows entry of valid times only, times are in 12 hour format.
9 22 Type DateTime - Allows entry of DateTime values.
10 15 Type Phone - Allows entry of formatted US phone number.
11 11 Type Social Security Number - Allows entry of formatted social security number.
12 5 Type CheckBox - Allows only entry of a True or False value.

One thing to keep in mind when using these codes is that the comment field must be big enough to accommodate minimum length.

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