Masters - Delete Owner Masters

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Delete Owner Masters

Select an owner in the Analysis grid and click Delete from Navigation, click Delete from the Masters | Owner menu to display the Master form, or right-click on an owner in the Analysis grid and select "Delete Selected Row" to open the "Delete Owner Master" screen.  The contact information is displayed and tabs are available for viewing additional owner detail. 

When Delete is selected from the Owner or Masters Owner main menu without an owner selected, the Find Owner screen opens.  Enter owner information or click Find to produce a list to assist with selection.  Once selected, the Delete Owner Master form opens.  Click the Delete button to remove the selected agent from the list.  When deletion is allowed and the Delete button clicked, the system prompts with "OK to delete?".  Click Yes to delete permanently and OK at the "Deleted Successfully" notice.  Some restrictions apply.

available when changing an agent master are: Owner Detail, Comments, Notes, Transactions, Reservations, Work Orders, Room, Accounts, and Bills


Active History Reservations Exist
Owners cannot be deleted if reservations exist in active history.  Use the Reservations tab to view the reservations on the owner.

If Delete is clicked when active reservations exist such as those shown above, a warning is displayed.
Active Transactions
Owners cannot be deleted if transactions exist in the current calendar year.  Use the Transactions tab to review the transactions on the owner.  On January 1st of the following calendar year, these owner masters can be deleted.  In the interim, remove the room number and set the Owner Type to "OLD". 
Future Reservations Exist
Travel agents cannot be deleted if future reservations exist.  Use the Reservations tab to view the reservations on the agent.

If Delete is clicked when future reservations exist such as those shown above, a warning is displayed.
Folio Balance Due
Travel agents cannot be deleted if the balance is not zero on the Transaction tab.

If Delete is clicked when the transactions do not equal zero such as those shown above, a warning is displayed.
Room Number Assigned
An owner master cannot be deleted when the master has a room number assigned.  To remove a room number, set the Room Number drop-down to blank on the Owner Detail tab using the Change form.

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