Accounting - G/L Accounts - Add

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Add G/L Accounts

The general ledger is the core of the property's financial records.  Every transaction flows through the general ledger and the records remain as a historical of all financial transactions.  The general ledger is comprised of numerous accounts.  The information below defines and steps through the process of adding a general ledger account to the ledger.

Access the Add G/L Account screen from the Accounting main menu.  Select Add from the G/L Accounts submenu from the Accounting main menu or from Navigation when viewing the Accounting Navigation or the G/L Account List.  There are also Add G/L buttons on the Add Transaction Code and Change Transaction Code screens. 

Enter the new Account Number and Description, select the Account Type from the drop-down list, and click Save & Close to file the record and return to the previous screen.  Once saved, view the new account in the G/L Account List.

Account Number
Enter the new account number (restricted to eight characters).
Account Type
Select Asset, Liability, Revenue, Expense, or Equity from the Account Type drop-down to define the account type (Table AT).  When left blank or cleared, the new account displays in the G/L Account List in an unlabeled group.
Enter the general ledger account description (restricted to 40 characters).
External Account#
The External Account# field is available and can be changed from this screen only when Use 12 Character General Ledger Accounts Switch 421-04 is set to Yes in Accounting Configuration.


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