How To -Configured Brochure Requests


Brochure Requests

A potential guest can request a brochure via the IRM. The guest enters their contact information and receives an email confirmation that the brochure request was received. A PDF brochure can also be attached to the email confirmation.

RDP creates a guest history record for the guest. It does NOT make a reservation however.

Guest History Type Configuration

Create a new guest history type for brochure requests. This help identify the guest records that have not booked reservations, but rather have only made the request for more information. To create new guest history type:

  1. In RDPWin, go to the System main menu --> Table Maintenance --> select Table CA-Guest Type Validation from the drop down.
  2. Click the Add Type button.
  3. Enter the Type such as BR and enter the description.
  4. Save & Close.

IRM.Net Configuration

  1. In RDPWin, go to the IRM.Net main menu --> Configuration --> Misc. Tab.
  2. In the Brochure Requests section, select the guest history type created in the steps above in the Guest History Type field.
  3. If emails should be sent automatically from the RDPWin Monitor once the request is made, check Send Brochure Requests Via Email box.
  4. If emails should NOT be sent, do not check this box. A brochure must be mailed to the guest.

A link from the marketing website to the IRM.Net needs to be added so guests can enter their contact information and be automatically added to the guest history database in RDP. Brochure requests are enabled automatically, and require a SSL certificate to be installed.

The link from the marketing website to the brochure request page should be: (Replace the "" with your actual IRM domain.)

For more information, see IRM.Net Configuration.

Configurable IRM.Net Files

There are customizable files at the top and bottom of the RequestBrochure.aspx page. Text can be added to inform the guest to complete the necessary information to be added to mailing lists or receive brochures. The files are RequestBrochure.htm and RequestBrochure2.htm located on the IRM server in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\irmnet\<RDP server>\RDP01\UserText\ folder.

Crystal Report for Brochure Request

RDP has provided a standard crystal report letter for brochure requests. This report is located in \RDP\Reports10\GuestHistory\BrochureRequestLetter. This report can modified and saved under a different name.

If using a different report, the main requirement is that the report has the MasterNum parameter. To check if the MasterNum parameter exists on the report:

  1. In Crystal Reports, go to the Field Explorer.
  2. Expand Parameter Fields.
  3. If the report has MasterNum listed, the report acceptable to use for brochure request emails.

Reporter Configuration

To configure email sent automatically from the RDPWin Monitor for brochure requests:

  1. Go to the Reporter main menu --> Configuration --> Confirmation Settings tab.
  2. Add the brochure request confirmation type by clicking the Add button at the bottom and completing the necessary fields. Add the brochure request report created in the above steps. See Confirmation Setting for more information.
  3. If attaching any additional PDFs to the confirmation, from the Additional Attachments section, browse to the file.
  4. Click the Confirmation Associations tab.
  5. Click the Add Confirmation button.
  6. Select New from the Reservation Status drop down.
  7. Select Brochure Request from the Reservation Type drop down.
  8. Select the new confirmation type created in step 2 from the Confirmation Settings drop down.


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Last Updated 10/20/2011