Tutorial - Housekeeping - How To Change and Analyze History


** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

How To Change History Step-By-Step

  1. Select History and Change from the Main Menu or select Change History from the Navigation page.
  2. Set the Housekeeping History Date to February 27th by highlighting the appropriate section of the date and using the up/down arrows or use the calendar feature by clicking the down-arrow.
  3. Click Display History.
  4. To change an entire board, double-click the board summary within any grid cell (entire board at once) to bring up Change History window.
  5. To change one room at a time, expand all boards with the right-click menu or use the and buttons to expand and contract the summaries.  Double-click any single row to bring up Change History window.
  6. To change the assigned housekeeper, select Housekeeper name from drop-down list.
  7. To change the Clean Times, use up/down arrows or type in the value to enter Clean Start and End times to automatically calculate the Clean Time.  The Clean Start, Actual Time (in minutes), and Clean Time can also be entered manually.  The system calculates the unspecified End Time for the user.
  8. To change the assigned inspector, select a new Inspector name from drop-down list.
  9. To change the Inspect Date, type the desired value directly into the box or select from the Housekeeping History Date drop-down calendar by clicking on the down-arrow.
  10. To change the Inspect Time, use the up/down arrows or type in the desired value.
  11. To change the clean Quality, select a new quality description from the drop-down list.
  12. Type in any necessary Note information.
  13. Click the Save button.
  14. The system warns users if inconsistencies are found  prior to saving such as the end time entered is prior to start time.  Select Yes to save the information as originally entered.
  15. Click OK at the Success notice. 
  16. Click the Close button.

How To Display History Analysis Step-By-Step

  1. Select History Analysis from the Main Menu or from the Navigation page.
  2. Set the Housekeeping History Date From date to February 22nd using the up/down arrows or select from the calendar feature by clicking the down-arrow.
  3. Confirm that the Housekeeping History To date is set to March 1st.
  4. Click Display History.
  5. All columns can be filtered, sorted, and grouped, and several have summation capabilities.  See Grids for assistance with these functions.

Print History

To print Change History or History Analysis information, use the right-click menu. 


Right-Click Menu

For right-click options in this module's grid, see Grid Right-Click Options

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