Tutorial - CRM - Statements

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Print a Single Statement

Print All Statements

Close All Statements


Process (and Print) a Single Statement

  1. Select Current from the Statements submenu on the CRM Navigation page.
  2. Select the "Single Guest" radio button.
  3. Click Find Guest.
  4. Enter "Carradine".
  5. Click Find.  Since there is only one Carradine in the system, Carradine/David is automatically selected.
  6. Select "New activity since last statement" and set the Statement Date to 03/01/98.
  7. Click the Preview button on the Print tab.
  8. Close the Report Viewer using the button.
  9. Click "Process Statements".
  10. At the Print prompt and for the sake of this example, set the Print Range to Pages, From = 1, and To = 1 to print only the first page of the statement for Mr. Carradine. 
  11. Click OK to print. 
  12. Click the Close button.
  13. Click Start in the main menu.

Process All Statements

  1. Select Current from the Statements submenu on the CRM Navigation page or the CRM main menu.
  2. Select the "All Guests" radio button.
  3. Uncheck the "Include Statements with no Activity" box.
  4. Click the "Process Statements" button on the Print tab.
  5. At the "Processing3/1/1998 Statements for all guests, all properties.  Do you wish to continue?" prompt, click Yes.  The process takes several minutes to complete based on the number of statements.
  6. At the Status prompt, "Date statements processing completed.  View processing results on the 'Results' tab.", click OK.
  7. Click the Results tab to view the details of the processing.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Review all statements printed.  (See Finalize for next steps.)
  10. Click Start in the main menu.

Finalize All Statements

  1. Select Current from the Statements submenu on the CRM Navigation page or the CRM main menu.
  2. Select the "All Guests" radio button.
  3. Check the "Include Statements with no Activity" box.
  4. Check "Finalize Statement(s)" on the Finalize tab.
  5. Click the "Process Statements" button on the Finalize tab to finalize the statements.  (To finalize and print the statements, use the Print tab.)
  6. At the "Processing 3/1/1998 Statements for all guests, all properties.  Do you wish to continue?" prompt, click Yes.  The process takes several minutes to complete based on the number of statements.
  7. At the Status prompt, "Date statements processing completed.  View processing results on the 'Results' tab.", click OK.
  8. Click the Results tab to view the details of the finalization.  The Action column is set to Close to indicate that the statements in the Results grid are finalized.
  9. Click Close.  For demo purposes, get new demo data after performing this action.
  10. Click Start in the main menu.

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