Tutorial - CRM - Award and Redeem Points


** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.


Award Bonus and Redeem Gift Certificate Points

  1. Select Find Guest from the CRM Navigation page or main menu.
  2. Enter Bloom in the "Guest Name or CRM Number" field.
  3. Click Find.  Bloom/Jeremy should be selected in the grid.
  4. Click Change from Navigation or double-click the grid row to make changes.
  5. Click the Points tab.
  6. Select "Award Bonus Points" from the Transaction drop-down.  The Description field is completed automatically.
  7. Enter 50,000 into the Points field.
  8. Click Save to award the points and update the information in the grid on the Points tab.
  9. Select "Redeem Points for Gift Certificate" from the Redeem drop-down.  The Description field is completed automatically, the Print box is checked, and the default printer is selected in the drop-down.
  10. Enter 15,000 in the Points field.
  11. Click Save.
  12. Report Viewer opens to display the certificate.  Once approved, click the Print icon to send the command to the default printer.
  13. Close the Sample Gift Certificate.
  14. Click Close.
  15. Click Start in the main menu.

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