Masters - Owners - Tape Chart

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Tape Chart

Find Single Owner in Tape Chart
Using the Tape Chart option from the Owner main menu allows for selection of a single owner.  Click Tape Chart from the Owner master main menu to open the Find Owner screen.  Enter name, owner number, e-mail address, or room number and click the appropriate Find button.  The nearest matches for the information entered is displayed in the grid.  Choose an owner and hit <ENTER> or click Select to open the Tape Chart with the all of the selected owner's rooms (and any associated lock-offs) displayed in the chart.
Find Multiple Owners in Tape Chart
Display the Owner Analysis grid before using the Tape Chart option from the main menu for viewing multiple owners in the Tape Chart.  Highlight one owner and click Tape Chart from Options to display all room information for the selected owner (including any lock-off details).  For the second and any following owners, close the Tape Chart to return to the Owner Analysis grid.  Select another owner from the list and click Tape Chart from Options again.  If not selecting from the Owner Analysis grid, use Find in Navigation to locate another owner and then click Tape Chart in Options. 

Click Tape Chart for more details.


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