Masters - Owner Analysis

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Condominium Owner Account Module R3 required.

Owner Master Analysis

Pose an informal query on the owner masters database.  The Analysis grid is displayed in a grid and has all grid functions.  Analysis offers five areas:  Navigation, Options, Reports, the grid, and detail tabs.  Double-click any row in the Analysis grid to open the Change Owner form.  For right-click options in this module's grid, see Right-Click Options.

available when changing an agent master are: Owner Detail, Comments, Notes, Transactions, Reservations, Work Orders, Room, Accounts, and Bills.

Find Wizard
The Analysis grid for all masters includes the Find option to assist with specific searches.  Most search by name (the left-most column by default) initially; however Rooms Analysis searches by room number.  Click any column header in the grid to change how the Find feature locates within the grid.  For example, the Owner Analysis Find function searches Owner Name by default.

Click the Owner# column header to change the Find capabilities to search by Owner# instead.

When only one owner is displayed in the Analysis grid, the grid can only search that master.  When using the find wizard located above the grid, all masters must be searched.  When the grid is sorted by Name, enter the letter(s) of the master record to be found and click the "Find Now" button.  The information entered is filled in provided that the search column that has been selected on the credit card list matches one of the search options available on the Find form. 

This wizard works the same when searching for any type of Master (owners, vendors, etc.).  Using RDPWin's demo data CCS files, follow the steps below to view how this works.
  1. From Owner Analysis with the grid sorted by Name, enter "P" in the Name field and click the Find Now button.
  2. Pert/Neil is selected in the grid.
  3. Click the Zip column header in Owner Analysis grid to change the Find Wizard to "Find Zip".
  4. Enter "9" and click the Find Now button.
  5. Simpson/Bart is selected in the grid, which is the first owner in the grid with a zip code that belongs with the number "9" in numerical order.
Select Columns
See Column Choices.
Show Detail
To show the detail of an individual master, check the Show Master Detail box and highlight a row.  The detail tabs for the owner master are displayed based on the selected row.
Show Old
When checked, owner masters marked as OLD are included in Owner Analysis.  To view only OLD owners in the grid, set the Type column filter to OLD.  Remember to return the filter to (All) or right-click and select "Reset Grid Layout" to include all owners in the Analysis grid for the next use.
Select Year for First Reservation (Timeshare & Interval Ownership (R6) module required)
When the Timeshare & Interval Ownership (R6) module is installed, the "Select Year for First Reservation" drop-down is available.  This filter allows the property to select a year and view the arrival date of the first "T" type reservation for that year.  The drop-down only offers the current year plus one year into the future.  A message is displayed when there are no reservations at all for the selected year,

When a year is selected, a new column labeled "1st Res Arrival" appears and shows the earliest arrival date of all the "T" type reservations for that owner for the year selected.  This new column can be sorted and filtered.  This feature can be used if a property wants to know which owners have NOT made owner reservations yet for a given year.  Simply filter the grid to show the blanks in this column.  Right-click and print the grid if needed.

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