CRM - Send E-mail

(Customer Relationship Management (RX) module required.)


Send an e-mail to a CRM guest.  If no guest is selected with Send Email is clicked, the Find CRM Guest screen opens to allow selection.  At the Select E-mail Address screen, select from existing e-mail addresses or type one directly into the Use this address text box.  Click Close to continue or Cancel to abort the request and return to the previous screen.

When Close is clicked, the screen closes and opens the E-mail Confirmation screen. This accesses the confirmation form configured (Confirmation Type = Send One or Confirm One).  Complete the required fields and click Send E-mail.  Click the Cancel if the confirmation should not be sent.

To preload the e-mail settings, create a new type under Reporter --> Configuration --> Confirmation Settings tab.  Add a new confirmation for CRM e-mails.

When sending an e-mail from the CRM, the guest’s CRM number is passed into the report and can be used to link to and access other CRM data.


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