CRM - CRM Update

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(Customer Relationship Management (RX) module required.)


The CRM Update process runs automatically when reservations are checked out.  If no CRM account exists for a qualifying reservation, then one is created and linked to the Guest History record.

When a guest is added to CRM from guest history, the system verifies it is not a duplicate in CRM as follows:

  1. If the last name is the same, the system compares the guest history credit card number to see if they match any others in CRM records.
  2. If credit card numbers are not available, it compares phone numbers in guest history to see if they match those in CRM.
  3. If phone numbers are not available, it compares the Address Line 1 (or Line 2 if Line 1 is blank).

When any of these fields match, a new CRM guest account is not created. Instead, the guest history record is linked to the existing CRM ID.

Use the Same Configuration for All Properties
Properties with more than one property code/location can check this box to configure the CRM to be updated in the same manner for all properties across the board.  When using property codes, uncheck the box and select from the Property drop-down list to configure on a property-by-property basis.  In this case, all existing properties must be configured individually.

Guest History

Do Not Automatically Add to New Guests to CRM
When checked, the CRM awards points for checked-out reservations for the selected date range but does not add the guest history record into the CRM.
Phone1 Type
Users can select what type of phone number is uploaded into the Phone1 field.  This is a user-definable field, and the defaults are set to business, fax, home, and cell.  To add additional Phone1 Type choices, go to Configuration, Phone Types tab and click the Add Phone Type.  These choices are the same as those in Phone2 Type.
Phone2 Type
Users can select what type of phone number is uploaded into the Phone2 field.  This is a user defined field. The defaults are set to business, fax, home, and cell.  To add additional Phone2 Type choices, go to Configuration --> Contact Types tab and click the Add Phone Type.  These choices are the same as those in Phone1 Type.
E-Mail Type
Users can select what type of e-mail address is uploaded into the E-Mail Type field.  This is a user defined field. The defaults are set to business and home.  To add additional E-Mail Type choices, go to Configuration --> E-Mail Types tab and click the Add E-Mail Type.

Award Points

Points are awarded on checkout unless the Do Not Award Points for Checked-out Reservations checkbox is checked.  Rules are used to determine how many points are awarded to guests and when.  CRMUpdate supports a points per night rule, a points per reservation rule, or a points per dollar spent rule.  Any starting points to be added to a new system for current reward members must be added manually to each guest history record. 

For example, configure the Default Award rule as ExchangeRate=25 and Per=Night.  This would award 25 points for each night stayed to every guest.  To award points to guests for long-term loyalty, configure an Award rule as Criteria=DateRange, set the starting and ending dates (perhaps January to December from five years prior to the current system date), set the Exchange Rate to 500 points (or any desired amount), and Per=Reservation.  This would award 500 points to any guest with a reservation between January and December of the selected year.

Do Not Award Points for Checked-out Reservations
When checked, CRM only adds new guests into the CRM and bypasses the point awarding process entirely.  For example, if 56 reservations were checked-out for guests not previously in the system, the system updates the CRM for the 56 new guest history records.  Any points skipped can never be regained.
Award Points Per Configured Rules
RDPWin looks at past reservations and configured rules and assign points based on those parameters.  For more information on configuring rules, see Configuration/Rules.  When this box is not checked, the Points / Room Charge Dollar option is enabled.
Points / Room Charge Dollar
As an alternative to defining points by configured rules, the user can enter a number into this field to define how many points are awarded per room charge dollar on record for each reservation being loaded into RDPWin Guest History.  When the Award Points Per Configured Rules box is checked, this box is disabled.

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