Accounting - Delete Transaction Codes

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Delete a Transaction Code

Select Change from the Accounting | Transactions sub-menu.  Select the Ledger and Code to identify the transaction code for deletion.  Once selected, click Delete.  A confirmation displays "Delete Successful" when restrictions are not a factor.

There are no double-click or right-click functions available on this screen.



Transactions Exist in Current Year
Transaction codes cannot be deleted when in use during the current calendar year.  To disallow use of a code in preparation for deletion at a later date, access Transactions | Change and set Display to equal Disable.  When in use, the system displays "Delete Not Allowed - Transaction has been used this year".
Pre-posted Transactions Exist on Future Reservations
Transaction codes cannot be deleted when pre-posted to any future reservation.   To disallow use of a transaction code in preparation for deletion at a later date, access Transactions | Change and set Display to equal Disable.   When a pre-posted transaction exists, the system displays  "Delete Not Allowed - Transaction has been used this year". 
S or D System Transaction Codes
Transaction codes beginning with the letters S or D are reserved for system use only and cannot be added or deleted by customers.


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Last Updated 04/05/2010