How To - Reservations - Gift Certificates


Tracking Gift Certificates

  • Create a new room type N/RGFT. Reservations in a "N/R" room type are not counted in statistics.
  • If only Pre-assigned reservations are allowed, create new room number 'GIFT' using room type N/RGFT. Follow the steps "Pre-assigned Reservation Only" below.
  • If inventory reservations are allowed, do not create a new room in step 2. Follow the steps "Inventory Reservations Are Allowed" below.
  • The arrival date on the gift certificate reservation is equal to the date the gift certificate expires, with the number of nights set to 1.
  • Enter the guest name as "Gift/<gift certificate number>" replacing <gift certificate number> with the actual gift certificate number sold. Using this naming convention makes the gift certificates searchable by number and lists them together.
  • Apply the payment to the reservation as the amount of the gift certificate purchase. The payment will appear on the folio as advance deposit.
  • When the guest contacts the property regarding the redemption of the gift certificate, locate the gift certificate reservation and change the name from "Gift/<gift certificate number>" to the guest's name. Update any other pertinent contact information.
  • Change the arrival and departure dates on the reservation to the guest's arrival and departure.
  • Assign the a room or room type to the reservation.
  • Select the appropriate rate.
  • When the guest arrives, the amount of the gift certificate purchased will appear as an advance deposit on the folio.
  • To to track gift certificate purchases, go to the Reservations main menu --> Analysis --> Reservations. Change the second drop down to 'Room.' Enter "GIFT" in the Start and End fields in the Enter the Room Number Range. Click the Display button. See Analysis for more information.


Create Gift Certificate Reservations

Pre-assigned Reservations Only:

  1. F5 New Res.
  2. Enter the Arrival Date as the expiration date on the gift certificate for 1 night.
  3. Select the room number GIFT.
  4. Use the rate plan N/R1. This rate will have a $0.00 room rate.
  5. Click the Make Reservation button.
  6. In the Name field, enter the gift certificate number followed by GIFT. The name will read GIFT/123456.
  7. Enter any applicable comments or notes on the corresponding tabs.
  8. Save & Close.
  9. Click Deposit/Payment from the Options list and enter the payment for the value of the gift certificate purchased using the appropriate payment method.

Note: If more than one gift certificate is purchased with the same expiration date, change the arrival date on one of the reservations. The system will not allow overbooking of the GIFT room using the same arrival and departure dates.


Inventory Reservations Allowed:

  1. F5 New Res.
  2. Enter the Arrival Date as the expiration date on the gift certificate for 1 night.
  3. Select room type N/RGFT.
  4. Use the rate plan N/R1. This rate will have a $0.00 room rate.
  5. Click the Make Reservation button.
  6. In the Name field, enter the gift certificate number followed by GIFT. The name will read GIFT/123456.
  7. Enter any applicable comments or notes on the corresponding tabs.
  8. Save & Close.
  9. Click Deposit/Payment from the Options list and enter the payment for the value of the gift certificate purchased using the appropriate payment method.

Redeem Gift Certificates

  1. F3 Find Res. Enter the gift certificate number in the Guest Name or Reservation Number field.
  2. Double click the reservation to change.
  3. Change the name on the reservation to the guest redeeming the gift certificate. Add any other pertinent contact information such as address, credit card, comments, etc.
  4. Click the Date & People button and change the arrival and departure to the dates the guest will be staying.
  5. Click the Rooms button and change the room from GIFT to the room or room type the guest is requesting.
  6. Click the Rates button and select the appropriate rate for the dates the guest will be arriving.
  7. Save.

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Last Updated 12/29/2010

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