Housekeeping - Overview


Click here for Housekeeping tutorials

Enhanced Housekeeping Module (S2) required for all functions except Room Status.


Analyze History Module (S2) required

Change History Module (S2) required

Configuration Module (S2) required

Forecast Module (S2) required

Monitor Status Module (S2) required

Recurring Cleans Module (S2) required

Rooms Status

Schedule Module (S2) required

Statements (same as Work Order Vendor Stmts)
Module (S2) required

Housekeeping BillingModule SZ required

The Enhanced Housekeeping Module (S2) is designed to improve the process of completing the many tasks assigned to the housekeeping department.  The major elements are Projection%20of%20the%20housekeeping%20workload%20for%20upcoming%20days.forecasting, scheduling, monitoring clean and room status, and View%20housekeeping%20history%20for%20selected%20dates%20in%20read-only%20format.history

Select Navigation from the Housekeeping Main Menu to open the Housekeeping Forecast, Scheduling and History.  The Navigation screen gives a brief description of each housekeeping feature with direct links to each feature.  A status message above the Navigation area notes if today’s housekeeping schedule has been created.

Overview - Marketing
Click the menu link to access RDP's website and view the marketing information available for the RDPWin Housekeeping Module.
Overview - Technical
Click the menu link to access RDPWin's Housekeeping information available in Help.


Click these links for Frequently Asked Questions or Troubleshooting assistance.


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