Tutorial - Configure RDPWin Monitor

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Configure RDPWin Monitor

Configure the RDPWin Monitor.  Use the following steps to restrict the ability to view accounting information and change rate plans.

  1. At the RDP Logon screen, set Resort to 02-CCS Condo-Hotel, Logon as USER with no Password, and click Logon.
  2. Select Configuration from the System | RDPWin Monitor submenu.
  3. Set "Check for New Reservations Every (minutes)" to 2.  Now the system checks the database for new reservations and sends appropriate e-mails every two minutes.
  4. Change the "E-mail Error Notifications To" setting to reservations@resortdata.com.  When e-mails cannot be sent by the system for whatever reason, an e-mail is sent to the reservations main e-mail address so someone is notified of the problem.  This could be due to no e-mail on file, an incorrect address format, etc.
  5. In "Send E-mail Confirmations for New Reservations" grid, locate the row for Res Type equals "PayingGuest" and confirm the boxes are checked for RDPWin, RDP-DOS, and the IRM.  As the Monitor searches for new reservations, it can filter and send e-mail confirmations based on the original system from which it was created.  In this case, confirmations would be e-mailed to any new reservations made in RDPWin, RDP-DOS, and the IRM; but not those made using the Global Distribution System (GDS) which uses interfaces such as InnLink and VIP.

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