Tutorial - Menu Security

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Set Menu Security

Access to certain menus can be restricted based on user power levels.  Use the following steps to restrict the ability to view accounting information and change rate plans.

  1. At the RDP Logon screen, set Resort to 02-CCS Condo-Hotel, Logon as MANAGE, enter MANAGER as the Password, and click Logon.  This user has a power level set to 100.
  2. Notice that the Accounting menu is available in the main menu.
  3. From the System main menu, hover over Rates.  Notice that Rate Plan is an option in the submenu.
  4. Select Menu Security from the System main menu.
  5. Type 101 into the Fence Level section of the Accounting row.
  6. Click Save.
  7. In the System row of Menu Group, click the expander to reveal the subsections. 
  8. Type 101 into the Fence Level section for the Rate Plan Menu Item.
  9. Click Save & Close.
  10. Accounting is no longer visible in the main menu.
  11. From the System main menu, hover over Rates.  The Rate Plan option is no longer available.

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