Tutorial - Reservations - Post a Charge

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Add New Transaction

Overwrite Transaction Description

Change or Enter Transaction Price and Quantity

Add Duplicate Transaction with Information Pre-Filled

Post a Manual Package Rate Plan

View Individual Folio Entry Details

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Add New Transaction, Overwrite Description, and Enter Price/Quantity

  1. Click Reservations on the main menu.
  2. Click In-House from Options.
  3. Select Reservation Number 282 (Hamm/Mia).
  4. Click the Post Charge link in Options.  The Post Charge screen will open.  Displayed on this screen are the reservation information, charge totals, Folio amounts, and credit limit information.
  5. Note: Notice this reservation has a credit limit of $500, and is over that limit by $104.42. Folios that are over their limit will display the overage amount in red and display "This guest is over their credit limit" to alert the user of the need to process another credit amount to their credit card.

    Note: Post Charge can also be accessed in Check-Out/View Folio, Change Reservation/View Folio, and the Reservation Details/Folio tab.

  6. Add a new transaction by clicking the down-arrow of Transaction Code.
  7. Note: When up-arrows or down-arrows are referenced in this document, we are referring to the arrows used to choose or select data from an available table. These references are not to be confused with the arrows on any scroll bars, which are use to view additional information too large to fit to the screen.
  8. Scroll down and select #13 Bar Service.  Use the mouse or the Tab key to move from field to field (Shft-Tab key to go backwards).
  9. Change the Description from Bar Service to "cocktail service for four" by typing it directly into the Description text box.
  10. Enter the Price as $83.50.  Leave the Quantity at 1.00.
  11. Click the Add button.  Since this reservation is over it's credit limit, the system will warn the user with "This guest has exceeded their credit limit.  Do you wish to continue posting charges?"  If No, the system will not add the transaction to the Folio.  If Yes, the system will add the transaction charge to the New Transactions area located in the middle of the Post Charge screen. 
  12. Click the Save button to add the new transaction to the Folio.  Selecting the Close button before the Save button would activate a warning that reads "There is one or more pending transactions.  Discard these transactions?" and offers a Yes or No option.  Selecting Yes would cancel the new transaction, close the Post Charge screen, and return the user to the In-House screen.
  13. Use the scroll bar to view the new transaction in the Folio at the bottom of the list.

    Note:  All New Transactions will be posted with the current system date.   Posting charges for future dates within a reservation is not possible on this screen.

  14. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Add Duplicate Transaction with Information Pre-Filled

  1. Click Reservations on the main menu.
  2. Click In-House from Options.
  3. Select Reservation Number 282 (Hamm/Mia).
  4. Click the Post Charge link in Options.  The Post Charge screen will open.  Displayed on this screen are the reservation information, charge totals, Folio amounts, and credit limit information.
  5.   For information on over-the-credit limit and accessing Post Charge from other screens, please see Note.
  6. Add a new transaction by clicking the down-arrow of Transaction Code.
  7. Select #09 Rollaway Charge.
  8. Note:  All Charge information is already in the system.
  9. Change the Quantity to 2.00 by typing directly into the box.
  10. Click the Add button. 
  11. The system moves the transaction information to the New Transactions display area.
  12. Click the Save button.
  13. Use the scroll bar, if necessary, to view the new transaction in the Folio at the bottom of the list.
  14. Click the Start option from the main menu.

Post a Manual Package Rate Plan

  1. Click Reservations on the main menu.
  2. Click In-House from Options.
  3. Select Reservation Number 282 (Hamm/Mia).
  4. Click the Post Charge link in Options.  The Post Charge screen will open.  Displayed on this screen are the reservation information, charge totals, Folio amounts, and credit limit information.
  5.   For information on over-the-credit limit and accessing Post Charge from other screens, please see Note.
  6. Click on the Post Package button to display the appropriate screen.
  7. Click on the Transaction Code down-arrow and type 6.  The menu will scroll down to #60 and select it.

    Note:  If the user types in a number, for example "1", and the system includes more than one entry that starts with "1" such as 10, 11, and 12, the menu will remain available for scrolling and selection.

  8. Select 2/26/1998 as the Package Date by clicking the down-arrow.  The default date is set to the current system date -1.  The system will only allow the user to select dates within the currently selected reservation.
  9. Click OK.  The system closes the Post Package screen and moves the package transaction information to the New Transactions display area.
  1. Click the Save button.
  2. Use the scroll bar, if necessary, to view the new transactions in the Folio.
  3. Click the Start option from the main menu.

View Individual Folio Entry Details

  1. Click Reservations on the main menu.
  2. Click In-House from Options.
  3. Select Reservation Number 282 (Hamm/Mia).
  4. Click the Post Charge link in Options.  The Post Charge screen will open.  Displayed on this screen are the reservation information, charge totals, Folio amounts, and credit limit information.
  5. For information on over-the-credit limit and accessing Post Charge from other screens, please see Note.
  6. Double-click on the Sleigh Ride transaction from 2/28/1998 in the Folio.  The Folio Detail screen will open.
  7. Click the Page 2 tab to see additional Folio Detail information.
  8. Click the Close button on the Folio Detail screen.
  9. Click the Close button on the Post Charge screen.
  10. Click the Start option from the main menu.

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