** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.
Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated. At the login screen, be sure to select the CCS demo files from the Resort drop-down. It is important to access the System |Configuration | Vacation Rental System and confirm that Switch 426-06 (Vacation Rental System Features) is unchecked. If checked, uncheck the box, log out, and log back in so the changed can take effect.
Add Activities to New "Guest" Reservation
- From the Reservations main menu, select Configuration.
- Click on the Activities tab.
- Check the box labeled "Disable the 'Add Activity Detail' screen when adding an activity". The system automatically makes "Prompt for 'Include in Package' when adding a new activity" available and checked by default.
- Click "Save & Close".
- Press <F5> (New Res for Paying Guest).
- Click the Find button associated with Guest History to search by name.
- Enter Allen in the Name field or 65 in the Guest Number field to highlight Tim Allen, Guest# 65.
- Click Select. Notice that Tim Allen's guest history is referenced in both the Guest History and CRM fields.
- Change the Nights to "3" by typing it in or using the up arrow. Notice the Departure Date automatically changes to accommodate the change.
- Click the Available Rooms button. Since the Room Type on the New Reservation screen is set to 1BR, the system displays only available one-bedroom units.
- Click Select to choose the first room number available (605 unless otherwise sorted).
- Click the Activities Add button. Notice the guest information is displayed at the top and the Start and End fields display reservation's arrival and departure dates (taken from the previous screen).
- Click the Type down-arrow and select "FOOD (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)". This selects the food activities as set in the system tables.
- Uncheck "Same as Start Date".
- Click the All radio button to display all food vendors, package and non-package.
- Click Display to show all food activities available in the demo system.
- Click the Description column header to sort the activities by description.
- The system displays possible activities for each date of the reservation. Select "Buffet Breakfast" ($5.00) for 3/1/98.
- Click the "Add Activity" button.
- If a property wanted to include this price in the daily room rate and now show it individually, then answering Yes to "Include selected activity in package?" would be warranted. For this tutorial's purpose, answer No.
- Select "Buffet Breakfast" ($5.00) for 3/2/98.
- Click the "Add Activity" button.
- If a property wanted to include this price in the daily room rate and now show it individually, then answering Yes to "Include selected activity in package?" would be warranted. For this tutorial's purpose, answer No.
- Click "Save & Close".
- Click "View Folio" to view the two breakfast transactions.
- Click Close.
- Click "Make Reservation".
- Click "View Itinerary" to view the two activities.
- Click Close.
- Click "Save & Close".
- At the "Continue With..." prompt, click "This Res".
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Note: If a guest has never stayed at the property before, this step is not necessary. The name of the guest would be entered at the Change screen once the reservation has been made and filed as a guest history record for later reference.
Add a Golf Activity
- From the Reservations main menu, select Configuration.
- Click on the Activities tab.
- Check the box labeled "Disable the 'Add Activity Detail' screen when adding an activity". The system automatically makes "Prompt for 'Include in Package' when adding a new activity" available and checked by default.
- Click "Save & Close".
- From any screen, click Find Reservations from the Options list.
- Enter 300 (Schiffer/Claudia) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number text box of the Find Reservation window.
- Press the Enter key on the keyboard to highlight Claudia Schiffer in the grid.
- Click Select.
- Hover the mouse over Activities in the Options list and click Add.
- Select Golf from the Type drop-down.
- Uncheck "Same as Start Date".
- Click Display.
- Select 03/06/1998 Vail Golf Course (scroll down).
- Click "Add Activity".
- To include this price in the package rate and not show it individually, answer Yes to "Include selected activity in package?".
- Click "Golf Totals" to view a summary of which golf activities are available within the golf package.
- Click Close.
- Click "Save & Close".
- Click the Itinerary tab (below the grid) to confirm the round of golf was added.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Add an Hourly Activity
Both the Itinerary & Concierge module (R6) and the Activity Availability for Itinerary & Virtual Store (S6) modules are required to work with hourly activities.
- From the Reservations main menu, select Configuration.
- Click on the Activities tab.
- Uncheck the "Disable the 'Add Activity Detail' screen when adding an activity" box. The system automatically unchecks "Prompt for 'Include in Package' when adding a new activity" and disables it.
- Click "Save & Close".
- From any screen, click the Find Res Option.
- Enter 300 (Schiffer/Claudia) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number text box of the Find Reservation window.
- Click the associated Find button.
- Click Select.
- Hover the mouse over Activities Option, and select Add.
- Select HOURLY from the Type drop-down.
- Uncheck "Same as Start Date".
- Select the Non-Golf radio button.
- Click Display.
- Click on the filter icon
in the Date column and set the filter to 03/02/98.
- Highlight 03/02/98 "Adult Bike #1" and click "Add Activity".
- Set the Start Time to 11:30 AM (must be entered as 1130AM).
- Press the Tab key on the keyboard.
- Set the End Time to 1:30 PM (must be entered as 0130PM).
- Click the Add button. Since someone already has that timeslot for that bike, the system prompts with "Time selected conflicts with another activity. Please adjust times and try again."
- Click OK.
- Click and hold the left mouse button down on Adult Bike #3 at the 11:30 a.m. mark and drag to the right until the 1:30 p.m. mark is reached. (To change the activity item or hours, simply drag the bar around. To abandon, click Close.)
- Click anywhere in the hourly chart.
- Confirm the Adult Bike #3 from 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM is now a red bar (red identifies it as current time-slot for that activity).
- Click anywhere on that red bar to change the display to blue and show the red vertical lines in the time display and confirm the timeslots.
- Click the Select button to open the "Add Activity" detail screen (see Step 3 of Add Hourly Activity).
- Click "Save & Close".
- Click "Save & Close" again.
- Click the Itinerary tab to view the confirm the Adult Bike #3 has been added.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Change an Activity
- From Options, click Find Reservation.
- Enter 179 in the Guest Name/Reservation Number field.
- Click the appropriate Find button.
- Click Select.
- Hover the mouse over Activities Option, and select Change.
- Select the Snowmobile Full Day activity in the grid.
- Click the Change button.
- Change People Billed to 3. (Notice Total Cost adjusts automatically.)
- Click the Save button.
- Confirm the 03/02/98 Snowmobile Full Day is now for 3 people and Charge is $270.
- Click Close.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Change an Hourly Activity
Both the Itinerary & Concierge module (R6) and the Activity Availability for Itinerary & Virtual Store (S6) modules are required to work with hourly activities.
- Click Find Res in Options.
- Enter 307 (Murray/Abraham) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number text box of the Find Reservation window.
- Click the appropriate Find button.
- Click Select.
- Select Change from the Activities Options.
- Highlight the 03/01/98 Adult Bike #2 rental from Christy Sports.
- Click the Change button.
- Click the Change Time button (near the middle of the screen).
- Click on the red bar (08:00 AM - 09:00 AM), and drag it to the right to a 01:00 PM Start Time. Notice the Start and End Times above the grid are automatically updated.
- Click the Select button.
- Click the Close button.
- System prompts with "Changes Made, Save Changes?". Click Yes.
- Click Close.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Note: The red bar represents the currently selected activity, and those displayed in orange represent activities on the same date through that same Vendor. Most likely, this guest would change all four bike rentals when making a time change, which must be done individually within the system.
Delete an Activity
- Click Find Res in Options.
- Enter 80 (Dolenz/Mickey) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number field, and click the appropriate Find button.
- Click Select.
- Highlight the Itinerary tab.
- Highlight the 02/28/98 Sleigh Ride at 4 Eagle Ranch activity.
- Click the "Change Activity" button on the Itinerary tab.
- Click the Delete button.
- The system prompts with "This activity is from a prior day, continue?". Click Yes (the guest may have not shown up for the activity and does not wish to be charged for it).
- The system prompts with "Delete this activity?". Click Yes.
- Click the Close button.
- The Itinerary tab is already updated once the Change Activity screen closes and displays no activities for that reservation.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Note: The system only prompts twice before deletion when the record selected was scheduled on a previous day, and it serves as a safety measure for the user and the property.
Copy an Activity
- Click Find Res in Options.
- Enter 291 (Cleaver/Theodore) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number field, and click the appropriate Find button.
- Click Select.
- Select Copy from the Activities Option.
- Enter 292 into the Copy to Reservation text box.
- Click the Find button. The system stamps the reservation name (Cleaver/Ward) and room number (223) for that reservation.
- Check the box for the 03/01/98 BIKE RENTAL activity.
- Click the Copy button.
- The system prompts with "Copy complete." Click OK. Notice that both reservations are displayed in the grid. Toggle between the Itinerary tabs for each reservation and see that the bike rental is now on both reservations.
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
Transfer an Activity
- Click Find Res in Options.
- Enter 298 (Nicklaus/Jack) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number field, and click the appropriate Find button.
- Click Select.
- Select Transfer from the Activities Option.
- Enter 300 into the Transfer to Reservation text box.
- Press the Tab key on the keyboard. The system stamps the reservation name (Schiffer/Claudia) and room number (201) for that reservation.
- Check the 03/01/98 Child Bike #4 box.
- Click the Transfer button.
- They system prompts with "Transfer complete." Click OK.
- Click Find Res in Options.
- Enter 300 (Schiffer/Claudia) in the Guest Name or Reservation Number text box of the Find Reservation window.
- Click Select.
- Click the Itinerary tab below the grid to see that the 03/01/98 01:00 PM Child Bike#4 has been transferred to the Itinerary (from Res#298).
- Click the Start option from the main menu.
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