Tutorial - Reporter - Configuration

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.


Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Reporter Configuration

  1. At the RDP Logon screen, set Resort to 02-CCS Condo-Hotel, Logon as USER with no Password, and click Logon.
  2. Select Configuration from the Reporter main menu.
  3. Click the Confirmation Settings tab.
  4. In the E-mail Settings grid, double-click the last row which should be Confirm Type = New Res.
  5. Enter the default “From” e-mail address as reservations@resortdata.com.
  6. Enter the Blind CC e-mail address to reservations@resortdata.com.
  7. Change the subject field to "Your Reservation Number is " leaving a space at the end for the number.
  8. Check the "Add Res# to Subject" box.
  9. Enter the following text for the e-mail confirmation body: "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc."
  10. Click Save & Close.  From this point on, all NewRes confirmations will display reservations@resortdata.com as the "From" e-mail address, send a blind copy to that same e-mail address for tracking purposes, display "Your Reservation Number is ##" in the Subject line, and "Please review the attached document for the detail of your reservation. Thank you for making a reservation with Resort Data Processing, Inc." in the body of the e-mail itself.

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