Tutorial - Cancel No-Shows

** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Cancel No-Shows without Guarantee or Deposit

Cancel No-Shows Including Those with a Deposit

Cancel No-Shows Including Those Guaranteed

Cancel All No-Shows

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Cancel No-Shows without Guarantee or Deposit

  1. Select Cancel No-Shows from the Night Audit main menu.
  2. Set "Cancel no-shows on or before" to 3/1/98.
  3. Note: Since our demo files don't have any no-shows for 2/28, use the current system date's data. The system automatically sets the "Cancel no-shows on or before" date to one day prior to the current system date.

  4. Click "Display No-Shows".
  5. Check the boxes in the Select column for Res #s 382 and 403.  "No-Show" is automatically filled into the Cancellation Reason field by the system once any reservation is selected.  The reason can be overwritten if desired.
  6. Note: Only selecting two reservations at this time allows for some reservations to remain when testing other parts of the Cancel No-Shows during this tutorial. 

  7. Click "Cancel Selected No-Shows".  As the reservations are processed, the Cancel Status changes to Cancelled
  8. The system displays the cancellation number, number of reservations cancelled, and number of reservations skipped.  Click OK.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Click Start from the main menu.

Cancel No-Shows Including Those with a Deposit

  1. Select "Cancel No-Shows" from the Night Audit main menu.
  2. Set "Cancel no-shows on or before" to 3/1/98.

    Note: Since our demo files don't have any no-shows for 2/28, use the current system date's data. The system automatically sets the "Cancel no-shows on or before" date to one day prior to the current system date.

  3. Check the "Include reservations with a deposit (forfeit deposit)" box.
  4. Click "Display No-Shows".
  5. Check the first four boxes in the Select column to select Res#s 180, 183, 184, and 185.  "No-Show" is automatically filled into the Cancellation Reason field by the system once the first no-show reservation is selected.  The reason can be overwritten if desired.
  6. Click "Cancel Selected No-Shows".  As the reservations are processed, the Cancel Status changes to Cancelled
  7. The system displays the cancellation number, number of reservations cancelled, and number of reservations skipped.  Click OK.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Click Start from the main menu.

Cancel No-Shows Including Those Guaranteed

  1. Select "Cancel No-Shows" from the Night Audit main menu.
  2. Set "Cancel no-shows on or before" to 3/1/98.

    Note: Since our demo files don't have any no-shows for 2/28, use the current system date's data. The system automatically sets the "Cancel no-shows on or before" date to one day prior to the current system date.

  3. Check the "Include guaranteed reservations" box.
  4. Click "Display No-Shows".
  5. Check the boxes in the Select column for Res#s 187, 257, 258, and 259.  "No-Show" is automatically filled into the Cancellation Reason field by the system once the first no-show reservation is selected.  The reason can be overwritten if desired.
  6. Click "Cancel Selected No-Shows".  As the reservations are processed, the Cancel Status changes to Cancelled.  Res#257 is a Group Leader reservation, so the system skips it and changes the status to Group Leader - Skipped.
  7. The system displays the cancellation number, number of reservations cancelled, and number of reservations skipped.  Click OK.
  8. Click Close.
  9. Click Start from the main menu.

Cancel All No-Shows

  1. Select Cancel No Shows from the Night Audit main menu.
  2. Set Cancel no-shows on or before to 3/1/98.

    Note:  Since our demo files don't have any no-shows for 2/28, use the current system date's data. The system automatically sets the "Cancel no-shows on or before" date to one day prior to the current system date.

  3. Check the "Cancel reservations with a deposit (forfeit deposit)" box.
  4. Check the "Cancel guaranteed reservations" box.
  5. Click "Display No-Shows".
  6. Check the box next to the Select column header to select all reservations displayed in the grid.  "No-Show" is automatically filled into the Cancellation Reason field by the system once the first no-show reservation is selected.  The reason can be overwritten if desired.
  7. Click "Cancel Selected No-Shows".  As the reservations are processed, the Cancel Status changes to Cancelled.  All Group Leader reservations are displayed as Leader Skipped and are not cancelled.
  8. The system displays the cancellation number, number of reservations cancelled, and number of reservations skipped.  Click OK.
  9. Click Close.
  10. Click Start from the main menu.

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