Tutorial - Add Leaders/Masters and Allocate Blocks


** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Add a Group Master
Add a Group Leader
Allocate Rooms to a Group
Make Individual Group Member Res

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Add a Group Leader

Using the 03-CCS demonstration data files:

  1. Click on Reservations | Configuration | New Res tab.
  2. Check or confirm the "Allow Multiple Folio Reservations" box is checked.
  3. Save & Close.
  4. Click on Reservations | New Reservation | Multiple Folio.
  5. Click on Find button located in the same row as Group information.
  6. Enter Plum in the Name field and click the associated Find button.
  7. Click Select or press <ENTER>.
  8. Click Yes when prompted “This will change the room block for this reservation. Continue?”.
  9. Click “Yes” when prompted “Would you like to make the arrival date for this reservation the arrival date (Monday, March 02, 1998) for the group?”.
  10. Select "N/R - Non-Rental Room" from the Room Type drop-down.
  11. Click "Available Rooms".
  12. Highlight LEADER and click Select.
  13. Click "Make Reservation".
  14. Click “No” when prompted to find from Guest History.
  15. Click “Yes” when prompted “Is this reservation the group leader?”.
  16. Enter the full name "Plum Production/" in the Name field.
  17. Change Pay Code on "Transfer to Leader" to RT. This will send room and tax billing to the Leader.
  18. Enter address, Comments, and Notes about the Group.
  19. Save & Close.
  20. Click "This Res".
  21. Click Start from the main menu.

Add a Group Master

Using the 03-CCS demonstration data files:

  1. From the Masters main menu, select Add from the Groups submenu.
  2. Enter Group Master Number as PEPSICO.  Group Number can be up to eight characters (numbers and/or letters).
  3. Enter Group Master Name and address as Pepsi Co, 99999 West Soda Circle, Cola City, CA 93495.
  4. Enter Arrival Date 06/30/98 and Departure Date 07/22/98.
  5. Check “Use a Group Block” to assign a block to this group.
  6. Enter Release Days as 30.
  7. Enter password for the IRM as PEPSI so the group can make reservations online.
  8. Set the Deposit% to 50 to require the members making online reservations to make a 50% deposit for each reservation.
  9. Uncheck "Allow Members to Bill Group".  (This grays out option for Pay Code and sets it to IP-Individual Pays.)
  10. Select “D – Definite” from the Group Status drop-down.  Tax Code should already be set to TA - 7% Tax Rate.  Only change tax code if tax exempt.
  11. Select "02 - Returning Group" from the Source of Business drop-down.
  12. Select "04 - Corporate Group" from the Market drop-down.
  13. Leave Activity Code and Company blank.
  14. Select "10DC - 10% Discount" from the Before drop-down to offer that rate for any group members who wish to arrive prior to the arrival date of the Group.
  15. Select "20DC - 20% Discount" from the during drop-down to offer that rate for any group members when making reservations for the group.
  16. Select "15DC - 15% Discount" from the After drop-down to offer that rate for any group members who wish to stay past the departure date of the Group.
  17. Click "Save & Close".
  18. Click Start from the main menu.

Allocate Rooms to a Group Master

Using the 03-CCS demonstration data files:

  1. From the Masters main menu, select Change from the Groups submenu and open the Find Group form.
  2. Enter PEPSICO in the Group# field and click the associated Find button.
  3. Pepsi Co should be selected in the grid.  Click Select.
  4. Change Arrival Date to 07/01/98.
  5. Change Release Days to 25.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the Room Blocks button next to the Release Days field to open the Adjust Room Blocks screen.
  8. Click the Room Type drop-down and select 1B.
  9. Use the Allocation up-arrow to select 6 to allocate six one-bedrooms to the group block.
  10. Click the Set button.
  11. Click the Room Type drop-down and select 2B.
  12. Use the Allocation up-arrow to select 3 to allocate three two-bedrooms to the group block.
  13. Click the Set button.
  14. Click the Room Type drop-down and select PH.
  15. Use the Allocation up-arrow to select 1 to allocate one penthouse suite to the group block.
  16. Click the Set button.
  17. Click Close.
  18. Click "Save & Close".
  19. Click Start from the main menu.

Make Individual Group Member Res

Using the 03-CCS demonstration data files:

  1. Click on F5 (New Res - Paying Guest).
  2. Click the Find button in the same row as the Group fields in the masters area.
  3. Enter "Black" in the Name field and click the associated Find button.
  4. With "Black Parrot Audio" selected in the grid, click Select.
  5. Click on “Yes” when prompted “This will change the room block for this reservation. Continue?”.
  6. Click the Find button in the same row as the Leader fields, and the system automatically selects the group leader "Black Parrot/". If the group has more than one Leader for multiple dates, then choose the appropriate Leader from the List.
  7. Choose "1B - One Bedroom" from the Room Type drop-down.
  8. Click Add quote.
  9. From the Overbook? screen, click Yes to "Transfer from House" to add the room type to the block.
  10. Click "Make Reservation".
  11. At "No guest history chosen..." prompt, click No.
  12. Enter "George Sound" in the Name field.
  13. Click "Save & Close".
  14. Click "This Res" from the Continue With screen to view the new reservation with the entire group in the grid.
  15. Click Start from the main menu.

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