Tutorial - Masters - Configure Owner Res Related Charges


** Refers to new or updated subjects in this tutorial.

Configure Owner Non-Shared Res Related Charges

Specific references within this tutorial to specific screen displays may differ if data/demo files have not been updated.  It is advised that users get new data files before beginning a tutorial.

Configure Owner Non-Shared Res Related Charges

  1. Log into RDPWin using the demo Data CCS files.
  2. Select Add G/L account from the System | Transactions main menu.
  3. Enter 210003 as the Account Number.
  4. Enter "2% Mexican Hacienda Tax" as the Description.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select Add from the System | Transactions main menu.
  7. Select B-7 City Ledger - Owner Billing from the Ledger drop-down.
  8. Enter MF into the Code field.
  9. Enter "2% Mexican Hacienda Tax" as the Description.
  10. Click "Save & Close".
  11. At the prompt, do not add a tax.
  12. Select the Res Related Charges tab from the Owner | Configuration menu.
  13. Click the "Configure Non-Shared Charges" link.
  14. Click "Add Non-Shared Expense".
    • Select MF from the Code drop-down.
    • Check the "In Use" box.
    • Select Percentage from the "Charge Type" drop-down.
    • Check all reservation types P, O, G, M, S, B, E, and T.
    • Click "Save & Close".
    • Click OK to return to the Owner | Configuration screen.
  15. Click on "Change Value Per Room or Room Type" on the Res Related Charges tab.
    • Uncheck the "No transactions Code Filter" box.
    • Select the MF from the Transaction Code drop-down.
    • Click the "Add Owner Charge" button.
    • In the grid, select All from the "Room Type" drop-down.
    • Enter "2.0000" in the Amount field.
    • Click "Save & Close".
  16. Click "Save & Close" on the Owners Configuration Window.
  17. Make a reservation and test.

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